On The Shelf

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

2nd Edition Army Challenge: Assault Squad TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Back in the 90's when I was eagerly playing 40K but had no money for miniatures, I would often play against my mates using folded cardboard miniatures. They were roughly the correct size and had the wargear written on the back. They were sketchy, but we played some fantastic games using them! One of my regular opponents used to laugh at my assault squad (not too kindly, either), because they were all equipped with powerfists. His beef was that there was only one powerfist on each close combat sprue, so the most I could realistically field, at GREAT financial expense, would be two. Obviously, 3D printing was science fiction at this stage. 

Anyway, with this long held grudge in mind, I set about putting as many powerfists into this squad as I could using only 2nd Edition parts and a razorsaw. It was a painful reminder of how laborious conversions were in those days: hacksawing through an entire metal space marine to get to the powerfist takes some weetbix. I also clipped the hand off a monopose marine's flamer, replacing it with a boltgun grip, so that I can have a flamer in the squad as well. Jumping next to a weak infantry squad and flaming the heck out of them is a good laugh in 2nd Edition. Here are some close-ups of the finished marines.

See you across the table,


Friday, 16 July 2021

Hobby Diary Part 9: Azrael and Assault Marines


Hi folks,

During the week I have been busy constructing my assault marines for the 2nd Edition Army Challenge. The real challenge has been sourcing the powerfists I wanted to equip them with, because vintage close combat weapons don't exactly grow on trees. I know they can be 3D printed, but I had a couple of busted models with powerfists I knew I could hack up a little bit further. I also cut up a flamer from a spare monopose figure, taking off the right hand attachment and replacing it with the grip of a boltgun. Jumping in close and flaming things is fun in any edition, so I included a hand flamer in the squad as well. I also used a powerfist and chainsword from the classic CC sprue, then converted a 3rd edition chainsword to make it look more like the earlier version. To do this I shaved off most of the detail, such as the exhaust vent and skull pommel. They are now primed and ready for some airbrush work.


I have also been working on Azrael in preparation for a big final bonus month of the challenge. I am hoping to get the big three Dark Angels characters done by the end, including Azrael, Sapphon and Ezekiel. I have plans for Asmodai as well, which I may or may not pull off. I am using the official Asmodai figure for Sapphon, so Asmodai needs to be... something else. Azrael takes a long time to paint, as he is actually two figures and a fairly detailed backpack. The main body is well on its way, requiring some highlighting on the metallics and highlights on the black robes, combi-weapon and sword.

I also received my order from Greenstuff world, which included a textured roller for The Wifey's Necron bases. We are going to give it a go this weekend and see if we can base her first models! I'll post a little How-To tutorial when we figure out how to make it all work properly. 

See you across the table,



Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Dark Angels Infiltrators TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

The troops unit for my Dark Angels Crusade army is a small unit of Infiltrators. My plan is to bump them up to full strength almost immediately, but getting the first 5 done feels like a real win. I like their area denial ability and the enhanced synergy they can have with Phobos Masters and Lieutenants (particularly considering as I have already painted one of those a while ago!). I also think the models look fantastic! 

I have painted them in a really simple urban camo (grey with zenithal highlighting, brown webbing, black instead of red carbines with just the Chapter symbol on the right shoulder pad). The main reason for this is I think it is weird to have green with gold trim "infiltrators", unless the terrain is all made up of Christmas trees! Grey also goes really well with the autumn colours of my bases and was super-quick to paint. The hardest part, and by far the most time consuming, was the hard-lining of the grey highlights. It was a real grind.

With this squad done I feel like I am picking up some momentum. Over the next couple of days I need to refocus on the 2nd Edition Army Challenge, but I have a good feeling that this crusade army is going to get done in a reasonable amount of time. 

See you across the table,


Saturday, 10 July 2021

Dark Angels Master Astoran "The Unmerciful" TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Last night I added the finishing touches to Astoran's Heavenfall blade, after watching some YouTube tutorials on how to paint energy effects. I have never been particularly successful at this skill, but I am happy with how this version turned out!

It took me an hour or so of really fine detail painting, which (as is often the case) you only really see properly if you get your head down to tabletop level and he whacks you with it! Ah well, that's the hobby for you. 

I had a craic at painting Astoran's name on the shoulderpad as well, but found just couldn't get the whole name in there. I was having getting the turn-back of the "s" shape done in the space provided with enough resolution between lines that you can actually read it. I'll keep trying with this script work, but I think I need a better brush and a magnifying glass setup to do any better. As it is, I have given him a shorter version of his name "Astor". 

I'm very pleased with how the mousy brown and grey of the Mantle of the Seneschal goes with the plum colour of the robes and tassels that I mixed. I was tossing up between plum/purple robes and red robes, but I really thought that red would not go as well with the mantle. Tying all of the pieces together on such a busy model is really important, or it really does look too busy, so I am glad I took the risk with those two choices. Of course, he can't actually be equipped with the Mantle until he earns it in a crusade, but a boy can dream, right?!

The Mantle of the Seneschal was made from Lukas the Trickster's cloak, with some Dark Angels-themed modifications and the addition of an Iron Halo. Goodness knows which beast of Caliban the Lion killed and skinned, that matches the colour scheme I used. It looks very ROUS to me (if you don't get the reference, watch The Princess Bride!).

The base matches my other 9th Edition Dark Angel urban bases, which are great fun to paint on their own, with all the weathering and hazard stripes involved. The yellow of the stripes is a nice contrast to the blue lightning of the sword (I hope).

In between working on the sub-assemblies of this beast of a project, I have also been working on some of the other parts of my 50 PL crusade army. More on that soon! Until then:

See you across the table,



Tuesday, 6 July 2021

Hobby Diary Part 8: Dark Angels Master WIP


Hi folks,

Me: Paint a 50 PL Dark Angels army in two weeks using speed painting techniques!

Also Me: Spend a whole week painting one model!

Ahhh, well 😂

During the first week of my challenge I spent a lot of time planning conversions and paint schemes. I wanted to use the Lazarus figure as a basis for a custom Company Master, but really wanted him to have a similar visual impact as Lazarus (he is ridiculously cool looking). Because my plan involved a bolt carbine hanging from a strap and an extra cloak, I had to plan the construction and paint job in layers. That included some sub-assemblies of sub-assemblies; I had to paint the bolter before attaching it to the arm, then paint the arm before attaching it to the body. All of this has taken a lot of time, but has been highly enjoyable.

Next on the agenda is to paint the head, which I am going to keep helmeted, the right shoulder with 3rd company markings and the Heavenfall blade, which I am hoping to giving some lightning effects. I have never done this effect successfully, sooo...

See you across the table,


Thursday, 1 July 2021

Dark Angels Whirlwind: An eBay Win


Hi folks,

I saw this Whirlwind on eBay a few months ago and had to resist mightily to not buy it immediately. I don't often buy miniatures just for the sake of owning them; I prefer to strip them and paint them myself, but this figure just looked so good. I knew that I wouldn't really have to do anything with it. Beautiful, bright, 2nd Edition style paint job and amazing care taken on the decals.

Anyways, I let it go. The seller dropped the price significantly. I let it go again and tried to forget about it. The price returned to normal, then dropped again. I had it up on my screen and my son saw it, and he said "woah, are you going to get that tank Dad, it looks sick!". Wifey gave me the look and I said no. My daughter piped up saying "nawww, let him have the tank", and my son started chanting "let him have it, let him have it!". It was bizarre.

Anyways, it arrived last week from Canada. I used to love using Whirlwinds in 2nd Edition, but never came close to affording one back in the day. If I get some games in, I'll definitely try to fit this one in my list. Otherwise, it has a place of honour in my 2nd Edition collection. Whoever painted this beauty, I salute you.


See you across the table,
