On The Shelf

Friday, 26 January 2024

Deathwing Progress and eBay Rescue


Hi folks,

With the family away looking after a friend's horse ranch you would think I would get some more time to paint. The start of the new school term has pretty much nixed that, unfortunately. Last night I managed to work on my Deathwing Terminators for a while, getting all of the arms and weapons done.

I am going with the classic white OG Space Hulk scheme for them, with some grey shading to make it look a little bit more like they have just coated themselves in ashes. As you can see, I have fiddled the arms around to allow one of the terminators to carry a cyclone missile launcher, to help alleviate some of the vehicle/monster issues my 1000 point list has. I have also used the powersword from the Deathwing command squad sprue, which is a controversial choice in some circles. To make up for the fact that the sergeant is clearly not respecting the machine spirit of his blade by sticking it straight down in the ground, I have placed a Tyranid Warrior head on the base for it to fit into, with a whole in the skull for the sword tip and a lolling tongue for lols.

The head is another 3D printed native Aamerican sculpt from Puppetswar, to help fit the Last of the Plains People theme. I spent the last bit of my painting session painting the sword, hopefully adding some ghostly colours in there; I was inspired by the colour scheme of the Army of the Dead from LoTR: Return of the King. It is not as neat as I could do it, but my mind at the moment is awarding big points for "finished". You can see I have chopped the bottom of the blade off a bit as well, just to really sell the idea that it is deep in the warriors head. 

With the rules for the Vanguard combat patrol army being released in the last White Dwarf, I spen a bit of trolling on eBay to see if I could score a cheap squad of Suppressors. I didn't realise at first that there is no actually box for them yet, only the full Vanguard set, so prices were ridiculous! I managed to find two squads being sold by a person I have ordered from before and snaffled one with the flying stands intact. they sustained a bit of damage in transit; three grav chutes broke off the backpacks. I was kind of expecting that this may happen and fixing them wasn't too hard using polystyrene glue and some superglue later to strengthen the join. You can see some frosting on the backpacks from the superglue, which I will sort out during the painting step.

With the addition of these three models I will have everything I need to field the combat patrol in the White Dwarf, which gives me a handy option for smaller games with my mates. All I have to do is finish painting them...

See you across the table,


Friday, 19 January 2024

Dark Angels Intercessors Combat Squad 2 TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Last week I headed up into mountains west of Sydney for a family holiday. I usually don't take any hobby thigs with with, as I find that they never end up getting done. This time, I managed to get another squad of Intercessors done in between bushwalks and cafe visits.

Even though these models are speed painted, I still really love how they turned out. They aren't remotely perfect, but nice from a tabletop perspective and their finished.

I keep re-jigging my 1000 point Crusade list, but the one I have settled on recently only requires three more units to be painted, all of which are in various stages of completion already. I won't get them all finished before I had back to the new school term, but I feel very close to having an army ready to play with. I also have plenty of options for expanding on force, up to at least 2000 points.

Here are a couple of closer ups of the finished models:

I had all kinds of lightning effects on the powersword, but finally settled for plain leadbelchers. With the rest of the squad, simpler was certainly better.

Considering these figures all came from Imperium magazine, I feel like I have managed to make each one unique; there is a lot of pointing goin on though! For an outlay of $9 AUD + bitz I had floating around, a full squad of 10 Primaris Intercessors isn't a bad yield.

That's it for now, I need to get back to my Deathwing squad and... other units...