On The Shelf

Friday, 14 June 2024

2nd Edition Gargoyles and Friends TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Month 4 of the 2nd Edition Army Painting challenge is done and dusted. My slice has been many months in the making, with the construction of these Gargoyles completed in 2023.

I have been quietly dreading this paint job, the Gargoyles have such tiny features where the flamespurts meet the mouth and hands. I think I managed to do them justice in the end, but it really was a real challenge for me. The flamespurts in 2nd Ed. use the flamer template, so a brood of Gargoyles can really disrupt enemy squads and open-topped vehicles (the driver is going to take a hit). 

To top off the slice, I painted 8 Spore Mines to use with my Biovores from last month. I used some older models which I feel have a little more character. I think they look like little see creatures. I really love how they turned out; the extra time I spent on blending in some lighter green shades was worth it.

I have already started on my June slice, which includes another massive Armorcast figure. The Maleceptor can be used to deliver a brood deep into the heart of an enemy formation, or... It can burst into goop and take the brood with it; them's the breaks in 2nd Ed.!!

See you across the table,
