On The Shelf

Sunday, 17 August 2014

Dark Angels 3rd Company: Command Squad

Hi folks,
I finally finished my 3rd Company Command Squad tonight, which is my first completed Dark Angel squad in a very long time. I think the last thing I finished was my Deathwing Dreadnought with lightning claws (which you can find on my Deathwing page), close to three years ago. The finishing touches were three Dark Angel decals on the Standard Bearer, Apothecary and boltgun marine. I have a love/hate relationship with decals. They are great because they are so sharp, but goodness I hate trying to get them on shoulder pads. I really need to invest in some more solvents and setting media.
The Apothecary got a freehand symbol with some stylised wings. This was actually a happy mistake, as I managed to put on the wrong shoulder pad when I was constructing him. I have a proper shoulder pad with the symbol included in my bits box, which I will now use on a Ravenwing Apothecary. I also added some detail to the narthecium. You can see some awesome narthecium jobs around the place; this probably isn’t one of them! It is good enough for me, though, at least for now.
So here’s a pic with how my Command Squad usually rolls, six deep in a Razorback usually hull-down behind a Land Raider Crusader. The guy at the back is my Master of the 3rd Company, who I am sure is thankful for the new meat shield. Then again, they are worth more than him

See you across the table,



  1. Like the vials on the back of the Apothecary, very cool. It's also interesting to see so many cloaked figures that are not wearing hoods. It's not something I've thought of doing but it's quite effective.

    1. Thanks! Some people seem to be able to make those vials look transparent, but I need some more practice.

      I can’t claim all the credit for the Dark Angels without hoods, they are all one piece metal figures from the dawn of 3rd Ed. Out of the three sculpts available, two have no hood (like Azrael and, more recently, Sammael I guess). I got these ones in a swap when I bought the Dark Vengeance box. It takes bit of creativity to make those three sculpts look like a bunch of different marines, especially in these days of ultra-pose-ability. But they are SO old school, I just couldn't say no to them :-)
