On The Shelf

Monday, 11 April 2016

Van Diemen's World Devils: Commissar TO-DONE!

Hi folks,

On Friday night I set myself the challenge of painting this Van Diemen's World Commissar in 48 hours. During that time I ended up only having 30 minutes to myself! That was only enough time to paint the face and the plasma pistol. This morning I was able to finish him off in just under 4 hours, which is some kind of crazy record for me. So, I can't give myself a bingo stamp for finishing him in the set time, but I can get one for painting a model for a friend. The 48 hour challenge remains frustratingly incomplete; I'll have to buy something else now...

I painted him using the Tamiya camo paints that the manager at my local Hobbyco suggested. Overall,  I think they worked quite well, so I will be using them again on the infantry squad and transport (when I get around to buying one).

This model has some great little details, such as the medal on the left lapel, some subtle bionics and the hat pin. They were all great fun to paint, though I am glad I refrained from drinking any caffeinated drinks this morning when I was painting the stripes on that medal!

I added stippled highlights to the cloak to make it look more like a Drizabone jacket. The base was finished in the same way as Wade's other Imperial Guard, acting as a slight unifying factor. His army is already made up of a selection of different regiments; I'm sure these models will fit in just fine.

Next up I have 10 infantry models to do, followed by a Taurox with a wheel and suspension conversion kit. With two weeks to go until ANZAC day, I am cautiously optimistic...

See you across the table,


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