On The Shelf

Friday, 14 October 2016

Dreadtober: Base Colours

Hi folks,

This week we are all laying down the base colours, which I have been struggling to do; where did the time go?! I have picked a bunch of colours that I wouldn't usually use, at least not in the arrangement you see them in. My scheme choice has focused more on the colours that it should be, as opposed to what is easy to make "look good". The result is flat and jarring to my brain, but this stage of the job always makes me feel that way. Seven layers of glaze and highlights should make me feel better. I also have an idea that I want to try on the Conversion Beamer, but again, it is not something I would usually do...

...and if it all goes pear-shaped I'll strip the whole thing and paint a snake on it!

See you across the table,


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