On The Shelf

Saturday, 2 December 2017

Hivefleet Numereji: Tyrannocyte Proxy

Hi folks,

Today I took a trip to my favourite hobby shop: Combat Company. I was on the prowl for a Christmas present for Sgt Waz (more about that later) and some curios. All things considered, it ended up being a very fruitful visit.

Combat Company is one of those shops that I could pitch a tent in and stay for the weekend. They supply a whole bunch of different miniatures games and loads of conversion parts, terrain, bases and playing aids to go with them. They also sell paints, brushes, hobby tools and rare earth magnets. As someone who really loves kitbashing and conversions, I go a little bit crazy. So many possibilities!

Being no great fan of the Tyrranocyte spores, and aiming for a Jormungandr feel, these "Hive Lurkers" from Micro Art Studios caught my attention. They are about the right size, they are borrowing nicely, have armour plates that fit the Nid aesthetic and for $23 AUD for two... well, I couldn't say no.

I think those eyes will look great with the glowing green effect I use on my Tyranid figures. The material is a light plastic foam, so I am not game to spray undercoat it. Just to give you an idea of scale, here is one next to a termagant:

They have double the footprint than the Tyrannocyte, which may cause some troubles with placement at times, but I think that is a small price to pay for something so characterful. Obviously I won't be rocking up to GW with these.

I also picked up a couple of Aliens themed objective markers from Secret Weapon, to go with the Tyranid Warriors I am working on.

Finally, I picked up some simple, industrial-themed bases, for a squad of Deathwing Terminators that I will be adding to my Space Hulk collection at some point. With new rules coming out for Genestealer Cults in Space Hulk I am really looking forward to playing a few more games. It'll be a good excuse to pick up some Hybrids as well!

When I haven't been buying stuff, I have been working hard on the "Paint My Present" projects I blogged about a few days ago. I am getting close to finishing one of them, which I am hoping to post about tomorrow.

See you across the table,


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