On The Shelf

Friday, 4 January 2019

2nd Edition Army Wish List

Hi folks,

I have three projects I want to finish before the end of January, so that I am free (at least mentally) to take on Squaduary in Feb. I am currently working on nine Sisters of the Thorn for my daughter, which she is going to use in a table top game she has made up (!).  I also have an Imperial Knight Errant that I didn't manage to finish in time for DreadTober, even though I did actually get a heap done.

The third project is to complete a 2000 point Dark Angels army for playing 2nd Edition. So while my physical efforts are pouring into the other two, my mind is starting to wander back to the mid-90's...

The mid-90's 40K crew. The only ones missing are Kuribo-Goomba (Imperial Guard) who is probably behind the camera and Heinz (Sisters of Battle), who was the year above us at school, so didn't go to this particular camp.

I have a lot of the basic models I need for this already, though their weapons and wargear reflect anything but a second edition mindset. The kind of things I used to use back then are listed below, so expect to see them in the army when it is finished:


  • Azrael
  • Sapphon with jump pack
  • Brother Bethor
  • Techmarine wargeared up to the gills


  • Deathwing (supported by Azrael)
  • Devastators (supported by Bethor)
  • Scouts with needle sniper rifles
  • Assault squad with all powerfists and chainswords


  • Predator Annihilator
  • Dreadnought (classic twin Lascannon and missile launcher)
  • Whirlwind

Now, I know from memory that not everything is going to fit in 2000 points. 2nd Edition is a very different beast, so some of these things will end up being longer term projects, but at least 2000 points with will be done by February. At least, that's the plan...

 See you across the table,


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