On The Shelf

Saturday, 16 February 2019

Squaduary: Iron Snakes Centurions WIP

Hi folks,

Squaduary is not just here, it is half finished already! This is the third year in a row I have attempted to finish this Iron Snakes Centurion project, having failed the last two dismally; the real world definitely has it in for me during the month of February. This year I am throwing everything at the project to try and get the monkey off my back.

I have been tinkering with the test model for a while and finally settled on the scheme and shoulder symbol size. Now I am just transferring what I have learned into the other five. I am finding that as I go I keep developing faster ways to do things, so hopefully I can get them all done.

In hindsight, I should have left both shoulder pads off for painting the red trim and inside surface of the shield, though I do love creating a rod for my own back when it comes to such things.

The rest of the squad includes some fun plasma cannon and assault cannon conversions, which took up two weeks of February last year (if you include drilling the 54 barrels!). So far, I am half-way through painting the shields, which are one of the slowest steps. I am hoping to have the shields and free-hand symbols done by the end of the week. Wish me luck!

See you across the table,



  1. These look brilliant! And unique, I hope you have friendly games where you can field them. Best of luck getting this monkey off your back - but that is the purpose of Squaduary so all good ;)

    1. The guys I regularly play against don't mind this kind of stuff, thankfully. Cool is very much the golden rule ;-)

  2. I can’t wait to see them done! I reckon if you don’t finish them in February just keep going with them!

    1. I will! Along with the other 10 half finished things I have on my paint table!!! :-)

  3. I love your verdigris so much, that's what I wish mine was like. Keep on going, you can do it.

    1. Yeah, I say the same thing about yours; one day I'll get it right and steal all of your thunder ;-)

  4. You've got a good chunk of work done on them now, I reckon this could be your year.
