On The Shelf

Friday, 1 March 2019

Squaduary: Iron Snake Centurion Combat Squad TO-DONE!

Hi folks,

I worked on these Centurions as hard as I could this February, but still only managed to finish three of them. At the start of this week I decided to split the project into two combat squads, when work really started getting on top of me. I think that was a good idea, because I managed to achieve some detail that would have gone missing had I pushed to complete all six. This squad is armed with non-standard wargear: assault cannon, heavy bolter, storm shield and hurricane bolters. I imagine them hunkering down behind the shield with the assault cannon protruding from the cut-out, BBBRRRrrrrtttt -ing a spear of tracers into the xenos horde.

Each combat squad leader has a helmet plume, whilst the others have no helmets for differentiation. I noticed after spending an hours or so doing freehand that I had painted this guy's snake upside down and back to front; the orientation of that shoulder piece is hard to judge! Dry fit before painting free-hand peeps. Anyway, I put a coat of grey over that top this afternoon, after giving myself a day at work to get over my mistake, and repainted it in about half an hour. 

The next guy has no helmet, which means painting eyes! I'm pretty happy how he turned out, considering the speed at which I finished all of the detail. I love the open stance of this model, this is a classic "shoot that guy" pose that I love maneuvering on the tabletop.

The last model in this squad is the test model that you have all seen before, but I will include it here for the sake of completion. I love the pose of this guy, the stride is very purposeful and he looks like he is about to swipe something with his shield.

This squad has now been added to my growing Iron Snakes army, which I am hoping to push out to 2000 points this hobby season. Centurions are very, very expensive in this edition, so I shouldn't have any trouble getting to that point limit with another three on the way.

Happy Squaduary everyone!



  1. Brilliant, I was checking last night as I wrote up the post for today and thought it wasn't your year.

    1. Well, it's 50% my year! Three more to go this weekend and I can safely say the curse is lifted.

  2. Not sure this is Minor. Physically perhaps, it's just 3 models. Mentally and principally I'd say Major given their gestation period. That said, if you insist get another Minor for the other half and award yourself a Major when they're both done!

    1. I wasn't sure either, but I needed some head-space for expansion! I have decided that the next three will earn me the Major and finishing the 2000 pt army will be an unbranded one.

  3. Sweet! Great looking squad; love the non-standard weapons load out.

    1. Cheers :-) The plasma cannons look pretty rad on them too, I'm looking forward to trying out some house-rules for them.

  4. Well smart, love em mate! Centurions take ages so we’ll done getting yours finished!
