On The Shelf

Friday, 21 June 2019

Kill Team: Dark Angels Reiver Sergeant TO-DONE!!!

Hi folks,

During the week I gave my self a bit of time to work on this Reiver Sergeant, whenever I could finish my work at night early enough and not fall asleep on the lounge in exhaustion! I have really tried to hone the "plains world" theme, by adding some war paint to the Reiver's face and feathers at the back of his head. The blue grip of the corvus hammer is another nod to the gunstock war club featured in The Last of the Mohicans.

Black war paint in native American culture was considered a very aggressive colour, indicating that the wearer was a proven warrior. Similarly, feathers were given in recognition of courageous deeds or to honour service, e.g. the first warrior to touch an enemy in battle and escape unscathed would be given an eagle's feather. Once awarded, one would be expected to display the feather in some way.

I liked the idea of the Dark Angels originating from the Plains World having their own way of honouring each other, outside the traditional ways of the Astartes. I imagined that this guy, being Primaris, would be met with distrust by the other members of his Kill Team. Once they see the feathers, however, they would realise that he is one of their own.

The two-headed eagle was fun to paint, though I have to admit I painted it using the colours of a Red-tailed Hawk for inspiration. I really needed something with a lighter shade on its body (not just the head like a Bald Eagle).

This Reiver Sergeant will be joining my Dark Angels Kill Team as a Close Combat specialist, where his four attacks will no doubt be put to good use.

See you across the table,



  1. Love this Marc great theme to the mini with the warpaint and eagle it just brings something different nice one

    1. Thanks mate, my hope was to bring out something different, but still retain some of the vibe of a Reiver. Something beyond the skull mask ;-)

  2. He looks great dude, love the theme :)

  3. Great work! Currently working through my own backlog of Dark Angels Primaris Marines, so this is nice inspiration for getting them complete.
