On The Shelf

Tuesday, 1 October 2019

BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat

Hi folks,

If you are serious about getting into BattleTech, the BattleTech: A Game of Armoured Combat box is a great way to start, even more so than the actual Beginners box (in my raging fan-boy opinion). For starters, the rulebook is more detailed and includes heat management. For me, heat is one of the key mechanics in the game, one that makes BattleTech unique and adds immeasurably to the enjoyment of the game.

The added rules complexity is reflected in the record sheets, which include two different configurations of all of the Mechs presented in the box. New art for each Mech is also provided on each record sheet; whilst I am very nostalgic about the 80's art vibe BattleTech often leans on, seeing some fresh designs for the classics is a breath of fresh air.

The set includes 16 MechWarrior cards that would allow you to take special characters for each of the Mechs. These include Delmar Clay of the Gray Death Legion (in a Wolverine, below), who can punch and shoot his AC/5 in the same turn, as well as potentially dodge physical attacks!

There are also some Alpha Strike reference cards for each of the Mech configurations provided and a set of serviceable dice (they feel a bit cheap to me). I find that my lucky set of dice in BattleTech are hopeless. We used the ones from the set for a game and they were more lucky for me by a large margin!

The miniatures in the set are all fantastic; cripes, even the Locust and the Commando (little guys) look fierce. The Battlemaster and Thunderbolt are stunning and the Awesome... well...

This box also has some punch-out card components, which I am unreasonably excited about. I think that has a lot to do with the fun we had with cardboard Mechs back when I started playing. Anyways, they provide you with a cardboard standee for each of the miniatures, which will be great for the kids or if I don't want to transport miniatures around. There is also some interesting additional terrain for the hexmaps, which is of course compatible with other hexmaps, particularly those in the beginner set.

Lastly, the double sided hexmaps themselves are an obvious step up in complexity compared to the beginners set. Wade and I played a game on the green hills map and it was fantastic, providing plenty of cover without stifling the game.

In terms of value for money, BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat is an incredible product. It contains more than enough to cover the price tag. In terms of component quality, it is beautifully presented. I don't think you could expect more unless you were also paying at a much higher price point. The new Mech designs are exciting dammit. They have a small number of mould lines to clean up before painting, but nothing that a scrape with a sharp hobby knife won't fix. Gaming-wise, not much has changed for BattleTech in the past 30 years; it is a solid rule-set that has seen many expansions that you can take or leave as you wish, like the Clan invasion stuff.

For my next BattleTech post I'll be coming up with a cunning plan for my new Inner Sphere company, featuring all of the new models and some extras I just received from Iron Wind Metals. I'll try and fit in a Clan Ghost Bear Star as well, to pay homage to Joel, who would have been sooo excited that BattleTech is experiencing this renaissance.  

It is interesting that neither of the new sets reference the Clans at all...

Hang on to your cooling vest...


See you across the table,



  1. Yeah, this looks like a great core box. The maps are way better than the one in the box I started with, the Models are fewer in number, but much better quality, and those little bits of modified Terrain you can add on are genius. I would have gone with a somewhat different selection of Mechs if it were my choice, but trimming all the cool options down to just two from each weight class is bound to leave out some faves.

    And that Awesome cartoon is, in fact, pure Awesome <3

    1. The issue with Harmony Gold has poisoned the Mech selection since forever :-( I would love a core box to include a Warhammer and a Marauder, perhaps an Archer and/or Crusader, but so many of those classic designs get left on the shelf. Bring on the Kickstarter I say!

    2. All of the ones I would want were included in the Kickstarter, so it's not like they're completely out. They're just not in the starter. Actually, I like the re-designed Warhammer better than the original, and that's saying something!

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