On The Shelf

Tuesday, 17 December 2019

The Hobby Table: December 2019

Hi folks,

Not much has improved on my Hobby Table since October; there are still way too many unfinished projects on there. At least now I have some time to work on them, having started the Christmas holidays from work. I have spent the previous week feeling shell-shocked, as work has been exhausting. That has left me with very little energy to get things done, but a mind full of ideas. First on the list at the moment is to finish the Sisters of the Thorn/Wild Riders for my daughter. They were meant to be done for her birthday in late November, but the construction process really blew out. The lead Sister is 11 pieces! As I have been putting the multipart figures together I have been painting the Wid Riders, which are now ~ 50% complete.

I also spent some time outside priming figures with my airbrush, and adding a layer of white on some 'Mechs. The 'Mechs are for a Mercenary unit I have name Foxfire Company (more about them later). They are all classic 3025, Level tech, workhorses, except for a sneaky Centurion Omni; my personal ride! My aim is to get them all done before the Kickstarter 'Mechs start rolling in.

The eagle-eyed among you will recognise the odd one out; I have also primed the Blood Angels Librarian from Space Hulk. Interestingly, this guy is the only miniature on my table at the moment that is actually on my To-Do list for this year! I'll have to do something about that after Christmas, I think. I am really loving airbrushing primer instead of using the Citadel rattlecans, at least for white. If I don't stuff up my technique (i.e. air-push drying paint!) the Vallejo Surface Primer goes on beautifully.

That's it for now, hopefully the next update will include some finished Aelfs!

See you across the table,



  1. It is always hard to get something done when you have too many projects on the go. Tricky to see where to start, I am trying to be militant with my Iron Warriors.

    1. The Wild Riders have been my priority for a while now, bit they have sooo much detail, they really are draining to work on. I'm looking forward to finishing them but have a lot of hard work to do before then!
