On The Shelf

Saturday, 18 January 2020

Iron Snakes: Storm Eagle Progress 2

Hi folks,

Over the past couple of nights I have been adding some detail to the rear half of my Storm Eagle. To start with I spent some time mixing an interesting blue for the rocket pods. The first mix of Teclis Blue and Kabalite Green was a little too light for my tastes, so I set it aside for the highlights. I used the same 1:1 ratio, this time using Caledor Sky and Kabalite Green, to achieve the colour I wanted. I then weathered it with some Sepia wash and Nuln Oil to give the appearance that the rockets had left some carbon scoring. I used the same technique to carbon score the wingtips, where the thrusters are, as well as sepia for the engine nacelles (though with these I had to drybrush leadbelchers back into it to brighten the edges up a bit).

The engine exhaust got the same treatement, with some added Sepia to the internal workings. For engine parts I like to add a varnish as well, to give it a glossy, metallic appearance. This helps to differentiate between structural parts and weathering.

Here's a good look at the wing detail, including the weathered thrusters and the verdigris on the wing-root.

One of the greatest challenges in painting something this big, in resin, is getting your paint brush where it needs to go. The model is heavy and has plenty of small detail floating around the place. I am finding myself contorting into all kinds of weird shapes trying to get the job done. If I was building one from scratch I would definitely split the job into five sub-assemblies: cockpit/pilot, fuselage, engine wings and rocket pods. You could then bring them all together at the end all done.

As it is, I find myself hovering over the model and touching it with my little finger to stabilise my painting hand, even pressing my other hand into my palm to lighten the touch of the brush on small details.

The final part I have to paint is the area I have been using to grip the model when I lift it, around the side doors. I will leave the doors until the last moment, as these are still separate and I still need that space to put my hand! My son took this photo to show you what I mean, he said it looks like I am playing with the model like a toy aeroplane.

Next step: final fuselage detail and doors! I also need to find a flying base to put it on...

See you across the table,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks mate, it feels like I'm getting close to finishing it now, though the base is going to be a killer.

  2. Replies
    1. Cheers :-) It is a nice change to work on something really big for a while.
