On The Shelf

Friday, 20 March 2020

BattleTech: Foxfire Mercenaries Update

Hi folks,

During the last week I have been spending a bit of time each night painting to help reduce stress. I have been catching up on my BattleTech projects, in particular, a new mercenary unit I have had on my mind for a while. Foxfire company will be featuring some classic designs that were re-imagined in the new starter box, using a custom paint scheme I devised to give a few nods to things I love. It features the colour orange to invoke the concept of foxes, though really it is just me expressing my Dutch heritage (foxfire has nothing to do with foxes, after all!). Foxes are really cool in Japanese mythology, so I am also tapping into the kitsune mythos.The green spot colour represents the actual Foxfire they are all named after.

Foxfire: fungal bioluminescence

I have used white because, when you paint it well, people really notice and it doesn't overpower everything else. I also need the practise, as white has always been a huckleberry over my persimmon. The black legs are actually meant to represent what we call "Kung Fu pants". Let's just say I had a mate who was famous for wearing his Kunf Fu training pants all the time... everywhere. Here are the first four 'Mechs in the company parade scheme:

Wolverine: a medium weight, short/medium range brawler with fairly high maneuverability.

Thunderbolt: a brutal heavy weight brawler, which really shines at medium and close range.

Awesome: an assault class medium/long range obliteration engine. Calling it a sniper would be OK, if all snipers carried three rifles that fired lightning!

Griffin: my personal favourite of the four, the Griffin is a medium/long range sniper with fairly high maneuverability.

Here is a group shot; I have to say I am pretty darned happy with how the scheme has worked out. I have quite a few more to do, so I keep an eye out for the rest of the company.

I'll be switching focus to Monster March now (only 3 weeks down already!), as things have escalated in that regard pretty quickly!

See you 1.5 metres (at least) across the table,



  1. The colourscheme really works well - the black and white make for a good background on which the green and orange can pop up. And the latter of course are close to a complementary contrast so you know you're doing something right! But I also have to say I also really like the bases you did here. Nothing to radical but it sets the scene.

  2. Cheers :-) Orange ad green are juuuust off being opposite each other on the colour wheel, but they do work really well together. Basing BattleTech minis can be a bit tricky as the scale of most materials is designed for larger scaled models. I find that this clumped flock is really handy for representing shrubs. It is nice to be minimalist for a change!
