On The Shelf

Thursday, 12 March 2020

Monster March: Space Hulk Broodlord

Hi folks,

It feels like Squaduary finished only yesterday; it always takes me a while to recover from February. Painting a squad from start to finish in a month is a real challenge for me, primarily because I am such a hobby butterfly but also because teachers (who are also parents) are so time poor. Let's just say sacrifices had to be made at the altar of midnight (i.e. the paint table of 2 am).

Anyway, I was taking a close look at by blog roll just after March rolled in and what I saw was pretty sad. It's worth a blog post this weekend when I have wrapped my head around it. Short story is that I spent a couple of hours hunting down active blogs, particularly of the people I have been talking to online. My blog-fossicking led me to Path of an Outcast and something called Monster March.

During Monster March hobbyists are encouraged to work on and, hopefully, complete a monster from their chosen game system. For my inaugural year, I'll be painting the Space Hulk Broodlord!

It is a fearsome model with a great pose and lots of small details. I'll be painting it in the classic blue and purple scheme, though I am hoping to achieve a lot of contrast between the armour and the skin tones. To this end, while everyone else in Sydney was buying toilet paper, I was stocking up on paints:

I'll be aiming for something a little bit like this, though I have chosen a warmer purple for the skin. Note, the picture below is not my model, just the reference photo I am going to use for inspiration.

It will be a real change from my usual Tyranid scheme:

Wish me luck! 12 days down already!! WEEEEE!!!

See you across the table,



  1. Good to see you joining in mate!

    1. Cheers, I just wish I had known about Monster March sooner!

  2. Good luck, your normal scheme looks tremendous so i'm sure you'll do fine with this

    1. The classic scheme is very different to what I am used to, which will be a nice change I think :-)

  3. I'm along for the ride and looking forward to how it comes out.

  4. Still my favourite Broodlord. This guy is a joy to paint.

    1. It is a terrific sculpt, though I have to say all of the recent ones have been pretty jelly!
