On The Shelf

Wednesday, 20 May 2020

Age of Sigmar: Sisters of the Thorn Progress 2

Hi folks,

The blog has been a little quiet the past couple of weeks as my students have been returning to school. I have been doing a lot though, just to keep myself mentally bouncing along. In particular I have been scheming a lot and have so many cool projects lined up. These Sisters though are the priority, so I am trying to get them done by the end of the week. This first one is a test-bed for the scheme, which I have been rapidly laying down on the other five.

I am pretty happy with how it turned out, though as always with miniature photography, I can already see things I need to touch up (like the blending around the hooves). Over the next couple of weeks before June hits I have a few little projects to do, including an X-wing model and a Blood Angels Space Hulk Librarian. After that, I will be working on an Age of Sigmar army painting challenge with my best mates; gosh there are some fantastic models involved in that. Then I will be working on some more Space Hulk until August and the end of this Hobby Season. From August until January, I am joining with some friends on the 2nd Edition Facebook group to paint a 1000 pt 2nd Edition army. I can't believe some of the old models I found in my bits box. Again, I can't wait to share it with everyone.

That's it for now. I have a lot of work still to go with these if I am going to finish them on schedule, so I had better get back to the brushes!

See you across the table,


  1. Very cool! I like the pattern around the eyes of the deer and the base with the varied tones fits great as well!

  2. Cheers! I have done three different markings on them, so they are kind of in pairs I guess. This was the most elaborate design. I have to say I like working on the detail on these models, but the undercoats on so many small pieces is a real slog.
