On The Shelf

Friday, 1 May 2020

Armour in April

Hi folks,

With a couple of days left in April after the Monsters painting competition, I switched my sights to 40K and Armour in April. I have had a half painted Landraider Excelsior just languishing on my shelf for over two years now, that was well deserving of a quick finish. Over two nights I finished all of the detail and added some decals. My aim was to just have a nice clean paint-job that would be suitable for the tabletop, I have too many other projects on the boil at the moment for much else.

Overall I am happy with how it turned out, especially the white angel wings. The decals probably need to be dulled down a bit with some mat varnish, but that can wait for another day.

I started working on this model when the Landraider Excelsior was released and I was finding it hard to get one here in Australia. I will most likely only use it for 2nd Edition games, which means I will have to go hunting for the old vehicle design rules again! Now that sounds like fun!!

See you across the table,



  1. Very cool, I love the characterful additions. Great job Fella

  2. Neat! Great to finish up projects that take up space for so long.
    I very much like the different bits that make this Land Raider a Dark Angels Land Raider. They imbody so much of the grim yet noble character of Space Marines.

    1. Cheers, I feel a bit sad that I didn't try any free-hand, as there are some beautiful DA tanks with Wstcher motifs floating around. Maybe next time...

  3. Great looking 'raider. The additions make the model for sure. I *love* Armor in April...going to have to copy that next year...
