On The Shelf

Tuesday, 14 July 2020

Space Hulk: Commanders TO-DONE!!!

Hi folks,

Just a quick progress report on my Space Hulk progress today, before I start working on some of the boarding parties more seriously. Over the past couple of days I had some free time to work on Lexicanium Calistarius, the Blood Angels Librarian. Of course Calistarius would later fall to the Black Rage before the walls at Hades Hive and be inducted into the Death Company. Trapped beneath a collapsed building for seven days during the fighting, Calistarius overcame the Black Rage and was reborn as Mephiston, Lord of Death (who just happens to be one of my favourite characters of all time).

I painted him using a very different colour palette to what I would usually gravitate towards. I was aiming for a retro 90's vibe! I'm really happy with how neat I managed to get the paint job, which has built a little more confidence in my ability to tackle the next stage. Each of the miniatures in the set is essentially a special character's worth of detail, so I am going to be very busy. We are also facing some pretty heavy rain in Sydney over the next week, so I am not sure if I am going to be able to use my airbrush.

The other Space Marine commander I have painted is Belial. Belial's ability with a sword is legendary. During his testing as an aspirant, he managed to duel with a Chaplain for 7 minutes. He was the Master of the 3rd Company (my favourite!) during the successful defence of Piscina and elevated to a position in the Deathwing terminator company. I have equipped him as a Captain in Space Hulk, which is a real witches brew of ranged and close combat wargear: stormbolter, auxiliary grenade launcher, powersword and powerfist. The addition of the Watcher in the Dark helps with the problem of "too many weapons, not enough hands"!

Again, lots of bright colours and white armour instead of the usual bone, to match the original paint scheme.

The final figure in the trilogy is the Genestealer Broodlord. Born time and time again to execute the will of the Hive Mind, the Broodlord is the perfect killing machine. I love the purple on this guy, the pigment I used is really fruity, and will tie in well with the retro colours I am using for the marines (in theory).

Originally I was going to do a Fallen Angel Librarian as well, but I don't have a suitable figure for that, as the boarding team itself is in Tartaros pattern armour. I'll sort that one out at a later date. Until then, I deserve a badge for my efforts!

See you across the table,



  1. Great work, Marc. I love the retro look. Very clean indeed. I look forward to seeing more of the collection unfold.

    1. I have been waiting to paint this set for such a long time, I can't wait until it is finished as well!

  2. Fantastic paint job on all three, Marc! Bravo! I’m really impressed with your white.

    1. Cheers mate :-) The key is to keep it simple. I airbrush white on now, pin wash it (in this case with a grey/light brown mix), then leave it.

  3. I think you might be able to convert a Tartaros Librarian from one of the newer Thousand Sons kits. You may even get some milage out of the kits for other characters such as a captain?

    1. Ooooooh, I'll look into that! I have a the most recent miniature for [REDACTED] as well. He's not a terminator, but damn if he isn't a fine Fallen Angel :-)
