On The Shelf

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Space Hulk: Fallen Angels Test Model


Hi folks,

Just a quick update today, as I am knackered from work and have a couple of hours of work lesson prep to do before tomorrow. Last weekend I worked on a test paint-scheme for my Fallen Angel boarding party and came up with this guy. I have used a combination of the checkered patterns on the Forgeworld 30K Dark Angels with the red helmet stripe of old school Dark Angels.


I am happy with how neat the job turned out, especially considering how fast I cranked through the free-hand parts. They are far from perfect, but at this stage I just need to get them finished. The bases are 32 mm, which is perfect for Space Hulk but a tad small for 40K; I doubt anyone I play against would care though.

With the test model fairly successful, I'm happy to commit to the next four over the next couple of days. With 11 days left in this Hobby Season I may just fit a squad of Blood Angels in as well! Fingers crossed!

See you across the table,



  1. Cheers! It will be interesting to see if I can get them looking consistent, as all of the figures in the squad are quite unique.

  2. This looks cool. I had thought of doing checks like that on my Orc Blood Bowl team but not caring if they were neat, they're painted by orcs after all. Will. Have to do a test model too. Not finishing it before end of the season though 😉

    1. Cheers mate, I got the idea from the Orks I have been painting with Oscar. I figured I could probably do it at least a little neater if I really had to! With no servitors to paint their armour for them anymore, I doubt Fallen terminators would paint them perfectly either ;-)

  3. Beautiful! The model is so smooth and the slick blacks and red really make for a classy look. The squad will look amazing.

    1. Cheers :-) I have been working on the sergeant today; way more detail than the test model!

  4. Nice work. That definitely captures the look of the Fallen. Should be a fun piece squad for Space Hulk when it's done.

    1. Cheers mate :-) It will be interesting to see if I can get some Deathwing vs Fallen shenanigans going on at some stage!

  5. A Fallen army would be cool and that scheme looks nice.
