On The Shelf

Sunday, 20 September 2020

The Hobby Table: August 2020


Hi folks,

I feel like I need to write this post just to get back in the groove. This month has been exhausting at work and, while I have been busy doing some painting and modelling, I haven't been in the headspace to blog about it. Instead of pottering away on the blog, I have spent a bit of time on ebay snaffling some cheap additions to my 9th Ed. Dark Angels. I usually wouldn't do this, but took on an intern student this term which earned me a bit of money to spend. They don't pay you much (despite the huge amount of work it entails); just enough to fritter away on something fun.

On my table at the moment I have my September project for the 2nd Edition Army challenge: a full squad of Deathwing Terminators. I am hoping to finish painting them today, if I can. Either way, I have to get them done before the 25th of September. I have not quite perfected "white" yet, but gosh, I have put in a lot of hours. White glazes for days...

I am working on the arms and weapons now, which take a solid 30 minutes to do each. Gosh I love the Deathwing Sergeant sword. I have been waiting 25 years to own one of them.

A few more ebay purchases have rolled in over the past week or so, to help fill my 1000 point list, including a Lascannon Devastator NIB (my fingers are literally trembling), Dark Angels sergeant (with an old school plasma pistol: yay!!!)  a techmarine (so I can take a Dreadnought and Predator) and Brother Bethor. I have a Bethor figure already, which I use as my Assault Squad Veteran Sergeant. It is literally my favourite model and my own personal avatar on the battlefield. I couldn't bear to pull it apart to actually use as Bethor, so I bit the bullet and bought another one!

Wade and I played an intro level game of 9th Edition a few weeks ago and it was tremendous fun. Considering we haven't played in over a year, it felt so good to be across the table from someone again rolling dice. I got him some more Van Diemen's World Veterans for his birthday, so keep an eye out for them on my paint table over the next couple of weeks. 

So... heaps going. I've been mucking about with 9th Edition Dark Angels lists, colour shift paints, Mechanicum on the Nintendo Switch, prepping an Ork Deffdread with The Boi, looking at Necron schemes with The Wifey and all kinds of other things I haven't posted about. Hopefully this resets the mojo and I can get back into it. 

See you across the table,



  1. I do need to get a sort of mobile setup like that for sure. Loving the old school Dark Angels as ever.

    1. My mate Wade put this one together for me a while back and I use it almost everyday. I Like the fact that I can bring a bunch of stuff out and work on the kitchen bench, but then shift it to a safe spot before it gets in the way of dinner :-)

  2. Great stuff Marc, I really want to get back into blogging a bit more and I’m hoping my current situation might help with that, keep an eye out for some updates soon, I think I might even do the occasional video if I can work up the courage to try!

    1. Cheers mate, and good luck with the blog reset. I have been thinking about doing some videos as well, just to play with media and to let everyone hear my ridiculous accent :-)

  3. I love those metal Dark Angels. Great work on the Terminators, they are coming out very well!

    1. Cheers mate, I really need to take some better photos when they are finished. I have been unwell the past couple of days so I haven't been able to "put the nail" in that particular coffin.

  4. Are there any particular metal miniatures you would like from this era? I may have some.

    1. I can't think of any in particular, at least none that I haven't sourced locally from eBay already. I drove out to the sellers house to pick up the techmarine and we had a great chat! I love the era though, if you find anything let me know and we may be able to do a swap?

  5. It's worth it just for that excited, Christmassy feeling you get.
