On The Shelf

Sunday, 18 October 2020

DreadTober: Painting an Ork Deff Dread with the Boi


Hi folks,

A few months ago I was trolling through eBay when a Deff Dread caught my eye. It was pretty badly wrecked but going cheap, so I put a conservative bid in. I was winning that bid for the rest of the auction until the last couple of minutes when the price shot through the roof. I wasn't going to play that game so I let it slide, but that night the seller contacted me to say the buyer had just flipped his lid, overbid the hell out of it and run away. After agreeing on a price I had it sent over for the Boi and I to work on. He really loves my Dreadnought and wanted something to go up against them with. That was big. And stompy.

October is really busy in the 40K community, as most of you know really well. With most of my energy being poured into my Imperial Knight for DreadTober, my son pointed out (quite insightfully) that this model would fit DreadTober AND OrkTober in one hit!! So, while I originally had it slated as a Christmas school holiday project, we got stuck right into it. I helped him focus on each task by asking him questions such as :look at this arm, where do you think the metal/red/black paint should go, then letting him go for it. I can't tell you how proud I am of his brush control. He put down all the layers and even most of the detail work. After that he watched me add the final touches, including washes (we are both afraid he will spill them and with the current supply issues, that would be disastrous). The white section was particularly heinous, but he persevered with me and learned a great lesson I think. Thin coats. Thin coats for days.

The blood on the saws was his idea (honest). The conversation went something like this:

"What do you need red for?"
"Blood for everywhere?!"
"OK. Don't tell your mother."

I haven't introduced him to Tamiya Clear Red yet; he'll have nightmares. The orange rockets are also his thing. I don't really understand it but [shrugs with Australian but semi-patriotic Dutch cultural identity irony]. As I mentioned at the start, the model really was a wreck when we got it. I added some wires to add something to the worst bits.

So, that's and OrkTober and DreadTober project To-Done!!! I think I'll give myself a big stamp to celebrate:

See you across the table,



  1. Superb efforts and I like the orange rockets!

    1. They are very popular!! I wouldn't have thought to do them that colour though :-)

  2. Looks great! The wires look like a perfect fit and a big stompy, orky robot seems very much like the right thing for any young one!

    1. Yeah, he loves it for sure. Definitely an Ork at heart; you should see his room...

  3. Well I totally agree, all rockets and missiles are orange. I've never painted thhem any other colour, grenades too I think. I thoroughly approve. The boi has good taste and great talent.

    1. See, now, I *know* the holy colours of the blessed plasma weapons. Missiles are a mystery to me.

  4. Very nice outcome! He looks stompy AND awesome.

    1. Cheers mate, I can't wait for it to tear my marines to pieces :-)

  5. Some good choices in colours there, strong play.
