On The Shelf

Monday, 28 December 2020

2nd Edition Army Challenge: Dark Angels Tactical Squad TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

I have been taking some time off blogging this month to enjoy the hobby and to spend time with the family. Last month I completed the first half of this Tactical squad, and it was a real push to get the last five finished in between Christmas parties and my father getting married. I posted the entry photo at 11.55 pm on the night of the due date!! Ah well, finished is finished! The squad includes a Sergeant with powersword and plasma pistol, a meltagun, lascannon and seven glorious monopose marines form the 2nd Edition starter box. I never rated these models very high back in the 90's but the nostalgia effect is powerful. Next month is the bonus round, as I have finished my 1000 point quota. I am thinking about doing a transport and perhaps a techmarine as well. I am feeling the need to balance that with some of 9th Edition aspirations for my Dark Angels, as I don't want to be fulfilling my 9th Edition plans when 10th inevitably rolls in. In the meantime, here are some close-ups:

See you across the table,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks mate, they were a pleasure to work on. 16 year old me is chuffed.

  2. I love the old plasma pistols nice one Marc! Also 2nd edition was so much fun miss the good old days.

    1. I still try to play a game of 2nd Edition every now and then. 9th edition is fun, but 2nd edition is where my heart still beats.

  3. There's a serious dose of nostalgia in this squad, nicely done!

    1. Absolutely! I just wish I had been able to play with something like it "back in the day".

  4. Love the look and feel - right of the pages of the Angels of Death Codex! The monopose Marines do have their place. I like the chunky Bolters and the visible bolts in the magazine clips.

    1. I really do love those chunky bolters!!! I have just won a devastator combat squad with five of the super-chonk heavy bolters and I can't wait to work on them. Will have to wait until the second season of the challenge though...

  5. Oh man, so cool! So retro! You captured the original feel of the art and these models perfectly. Well done. Back banners!
