On The Shelf

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Hobby Diary Part 3: Monster March and Razorback TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Last night I added the final touches to the Razorback I have been working on for the 2nd Edition Army Challenge. I added a whole bunch of decals. Unfortunately, most of them have left some kind of water mark around them, perhaps from the adhesive spreading. I am not sure at this stage whether it is worthwhile trying to get rid of it, perhaps by sealing the decals with a setting agent. I may try it on a small section. Otherwise, I am very happy with how it has turned out and really excited to use it in a game. The combination of lascannon and plasma guns is really fun.

As soon as I finished the Razorback I got cracking on the Forest Dragon. It is going to take a special effort to get it finished in time, but with 11 days left, I think I should be able to do it justice. I have started working on the base early as well, as I can see it is going to take a bit of time to add all of the components that I want.

See you across the table,



  1. Hi Marc!

    I really like the Old School painting on the Razorback! Brings back memories of the 2nd edition Warhammer 40k :)


    1. There are so many models that I dreamed about having back in the 90's, that I am only now capable of getting. 14 year old me is pretty excited:-)

  2. Once again, beautiful work! I have blended decals into the model with careful layers of varnish - gloss at first and then a spray of matt varnish.

    The Dragon is coming along nicely as well! I'd dread having to putty the seams when painting in subassemblies, I#ll e looking forward to see how you do it!

    1. Yeah, I am going to have to do some careful varnish shenanigans, I think. The seams are problematic, but still better than trying to reach all of those hard-to-reach places!

  3. Ah...2nd addition. Good times!

    Great looking dragon head too, Marc!

    1. Thanks mate; my heart is still firmly in the 90's era of 40K. Otherwise, I would need to rename my blog ;-)

  4. Micro sol can help with the decals. Varnish locks in the problem. Microsol will melt the film.

    1. Varnish will lock it in, but can also hide the problem (due to its refractivity). I like the idea of using Microsol, though. I ran out last year and have been using a setting agent, which has been fine for most things. This project turned a little weird though. Time to place an order ;-)
