On The Shelf

Sunday, 18 April 2021

Hobby Diary Part 4: Armour in April and Holiday


Hi folks,

The past couple of weeks I have been on school holidays, staying at to different locations on the south coast of NSW. Lake Tabourie is a place my family has always gone to; the past 58 years anyway. It was also the place where I learned how to play 40K back in the 90's, using cardboard cutouts on a camping table! I didn't bring any hobby materials with me, apart from some Magic the Gathering cards to keep up my MtG Friday appointments with The Boi. Because of this, I have not had much to report in my hobby diary. Now that I am at home, I have been busy stripping, reassembling and painting my old school Predator Annihilator for Armour in April and the 2nd Edition Army Challenge. 

This model was a gift, of sorts, from my sister. When I started painting 40K figures she sent me some money for my Birthday one year. It was significantly more than I had ever had control over in my life! I had a lot of sensible things I could have spent it on, even from a list-building perspective, but ultimately decided to sink it into a Predator Annihilator. I never regretted the decision; this monster has been the end of several Eldar Avatars, Grav Tanks, Greater Daemons and Ork Warbosses in its time, including Ghazghkull Thraka TWICE. It broke really badly two moves ago, so it is well overdue for the love its gaming record deserves. Enough talk, here are some WIPs: 

See you across the table,



  1. Nice work mate, I have a Baal predator requiring similar restorative magic!

  2. Now, the Baal Predator is a real thing of beauty :-) Also, twin-linked assault cannons in second edition is murder!

  3. Beatiful restoration work! I love it when you have something mangled like this predator and turn it back into the thing it was always ment to be - So satisfying!

    1. Absolutely! Doing this kind of hobby work is quickly becoming my favourite thing. It's hard work though :-)

  4. Looking great Marc! Lovely to see such a classic.

  5. It's looking amazing. I need to rebuild my Crayola Whirlwind at some point and get it primed. I got it on ebay so it's not my own heritage, in fact I think I went hobby sober just before it cane out but even so, it deserves some love like this l.

    1. I have bought a few things the past 12 months that I never had "back in the day", but always really wanted. 14 year old me has been waiting a long time to build and paint some of these models! Trying to do them justice is very cathartic.

  6. Always love to see a restoration job and that's a cracking effort Marc. Amazing view too!
