On The Shelf

Friday, 25 June 2021

2nd Edition Army Challenge: Devastator Squad TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Today is the first day of the winter school holidays. You may already know that Sydney is in the grips of a third wave of COVID-19, which has forced us to cancel our holiday to Queensland. The plan would have been to head up North to escape winter for a bit and spend some time exploring the Daintree Rainforest and the Great Barrier Reef. Instead, it look like we are going to get some much needed jobs done around the house and spend some time doing simpler things.

Last night, to unwind from the Term, I spent a good couple of hours working on my June project for the 2nd Ed. Challenge. The final construction of the heavy weapons marines was pretty hectic: it took a considerable amount of superglue and prayers. One of them just would not fit; I couldn't get the backpack to fit into the cavity in the heavy bolter. Knowing that I would need to either reposition the whole right arm or cut the backpack, I left it for the night. In the morning I ended up cutting the backpack, but submitted the final post an hour or so late to the challenge. That will probably mean no stamp for me this month, but I was very glad to get the squad finished, which is really the aim of the whole challenge in the first place! 

I have tried to convert a mix of arm options for the left arm, including a bolt pistol (for when the heavy bolter inevitably jams), a combat knife (guns are for show, knives are for pros), an auspex scanner ("That's not possible; that's in the room!") and an empty fist. In the good old days, I used to use Hellfire shells with these guys.

I keep forgetting to use my To-Do list stamps, but these guys certainly deserve something, they took so much out of me to finish 😂

See you across the table,



  1. Beatiful! I love the Sargent with the power fist and those heavy weapons just look ace!

    1. The over-shoulder heavy weapons have a certain charm to them; hard to construct though!

  2. I have the very same Sergeant leading my 1st Tactical Squad. These are great additions

    1. He is a great model, powerfists were such a huge force multiplier in second edition.

  3. Awesome Great job on some real classics. Don't matter the time to do it, they came out great. Enjoy! No go light up some real heretics!
