On The Shelf

Sunday, 3 October 2021

Van Diemen's World Veterans: Heavy Weapon Squad TO-DONE!!!


H folks,

About 12 months ago The Trooper and I put a fairly big order into Victoria Miniatures to bolster his Imperial Guard collection (Astra Millawhatsits). I have been working on them ever since, in short bursts. I find Victoria Miniatures figures to be beautiful but challenging to paint. As a result, I hit quite a few stumbling blocks with these guys. During the last stages of painting the squad, I was spending 2 hours on each infantry model just to finish them off! That's why I don't collect Imperial Guard, I guess.

The autocannons themselves were completed a long time ago. They look a lot like Bren guns, a light support machine gun used by Australia in active service for a long time. I have painted the rounds with a blue tip to represent incendiary rounds (note also the blue stripe on the ammo boxes. The bases were done using dried soil from out near Parkes/Dubbo in central-western NSW. My mother-in-law went for a tour out there and collected soil wherever they stopped for me to use as basing material. All I can say is that I felt very loved!

See you across the table,



  1. Very cool miniatures, I really like their faces!

    1. Cheers, I felt like I was painting with my elbows; they are very small!

  2. Man these are just super cool. I love the scheme and the figures.

    The blue stripes are a super cool detail also.

    1. Apparently, blue means incendiary; perfect for wrecking enemy infantry (particularly my Tyranids!).
