On The Shelf

Thursday, 5 May 2022

Legion of the Damned Combat Squad 2: TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

During the Easter long weekend I went down the south coast of NSW with my wife and kids. After a pretty horrible couple of months, I really needed to get away and reset. The place where we stayed is very dear to me and has a way of reminding me who I am. My family has been visiting here for over 50 years (before I was born!) so walking out to the beach is like travelling back in time. So many important things that have shaped me as a person have happened right here. Interestingly, it is also the place where I first played 40K, on an old camping table with folded cardboard figures. 

When I got home, with sand in my pockets and nothing on my mind, I realised I had very little time to get my project done for the 2nd Edition Army Challenge. I have really loved being a part of it, so the idea of falling short in the 5th month didn't appeal to me. I quickly put together some subassemblies an undercoated some things, then raced off at the start of the new school term to a Year 8 camp (supervising 60+ 14 year olds). By the time I returned I had less than 48 hours to finish the squad! Knowing this, I promptly procrastinated for another 24 hours and spent time with my son, playing board games and watching Fellowship of the Ring. During the last 24 hours I posted WIP shots as I burned my way through the painting stages, it was pretty epic and the other challengers gave me wonderful support. Here are some photos of the finished Legionnaires:

This month is bonus month and I have a large backlog of extra models I didn't get around to earlier. I'm hoping I can make a dent in those, or even get them all done. It would be really great to have the whole force complete before I move on to some more modern models and other things.

See you across the table,



  1. Love seeing these old time LotD models come to life. Great work!

    1. Cheers, mate. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel now with this project. I have about 500 points to go, I think!

  2. Awesome Centurius and Squad, Siph here, Blogger playing up and not letting me sign in to comment. Are you adding any vehicles for LotD?

    1. Hi Siph, the only vehicle I am hoping to get done is a Landspeeder. I could do a Rhino transport for them, but I really like the idea of the Tactical squad teleporting in!

  3. Another great combat squad, especially for such a short time frame!
    But the best thing about this post is probably that picture of the beach – you can practically feel the deep breath of air and relaxation.
