On The Shelf

Sunday, 29 October 2023

DreadTober 2023 Progress


Hi folks,

It feels a bit odd posting about my DreadTober progress at this late stage. The truth is, I have been putting my progress straight into the DreadTober  blog without posting it here. I haven't hadn't the mental bandwidth for doing anything twice. If you follow me on Instagram  (@m4cr0dutch) you will probably see some extra work in progress shots, simply because I can quickly do it from my phone at the end of my paint session, which is usually late at night right before I crash into bed.

I have been really amazed by the hard work so many people have put into DreadTober this year. Every year it is a bit of a nervous time, particularly at the start, not knowing if anyone is going to join the challenge and have a genuine go at it. Numbers are down just a little this year on the official blog, but there are still heaps of great projects. Quite a few people have had a craic on MeWe as well, which supports a small but loyal 40K community.

I have been struggling a bit with my project, particularly the physicality of getting behind the paint station and concentrating for 30 minutes a the end of the day. A lot of difficult things are happening in my life at the moment, in almost every aspect of my life, and it doesn't leave much energy for that kind of thing. I have also sustained a rib injury that seems to flare up the worst when I am sitting at a desk. Despite this, I feel like I have gotten myself into striking distance of finishing my project. Here are some shots to show where I am up to:

I have chosen a very old school scheme for this Ballistus Dreadnought, mirroring many of the colour choices of the original 2nd Edition Dark Angels Dreadnought, which inspired the sculpt. The devastator symbols on the right knee and pauldron are both free-hand additions, but apart from that I have relied heavily on decals from the big Dark Angels decal sheet. I have used a lot of microsol/set to get them looking right, with matt varnish to seal the deal. I painted over the 3rd Company symbol on the left torso, as the red was not bright enough to match the casing on the storm bolter and missile launcher.

I have been waiting a long time to work on a project that could fit those text decals from the Dark Angels sheet. the hazard strip was cut in half to fit the missile launcher arm as well, helping to tie the model in with the basing material.

There are a few tiny details on this lascannon armour that I need to fix up before installing it, and a little bit of work left to go on the lascannon itself. Hopefully, I can find some time over the next two nights to finish it off!

See you across the table,



  1. Again, lovely work! I do like your work with decals here, nice wwy to break up those big panels and make the mini your own!

    1. Cheers, mate :-) It will be a sad day when that big sheet of decals that I have runs out.

  2. Great looking Dread there; and a fitting means to unleash the Emperor's wrath! Sorry to hear of your challenges otherwise; best wishes!

    1. Yeah, life just rolls us in the foam sometimes. I just need to take a deep breath and hold on.

  3. This looks awesome Marc, I love all the decal work and the base really helps tie everything together and create almost a narrative for the model. Thanks for all your efforts keeping the DreadTober blog ticking over.

    1. He is a walking hazard :-) No worries, it is a tradition worth keeping, I think!
