On The Shelf

Monday, 4 March 2024

Dark Angels Suppressors TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Another quick post today, just to record the completion of these Suppressors. They were in pretty bad condition when I got them off eBay, to the extent that I figured stripping them all the way back to plastic would be a waste of time. Instead, I just painted straight over the top. I had to gloss varnish the shoulder pads to make them smooth enough for decals.

I have painted them in my standard 3rd Company scheme and given them 10th squad markings. I have no idea if that's a squad Suppressors can be drawn from, it will just have to do.

The basing of the original models was pretty awful, but I didn't think I could safely remove the flying stands to replace them with my usual urban bases. I made a compromise by painting the dirt like concrete and adding some rusted Imperial Knight parts. One base has some left over Venomthrope bits, just to spice things up a bit.

That's it for this army for now, I probably should shift gears and get my next 2nd Ed. Army Challenge unit painted.

See you across the table,



  1. I remember you sharing the pictures of the fresh rescues. These look right at home with the rest of you collection!

    1. Cheers, it was a bit like putting lipstick on a dog but I am happy with the outcome (I love dogs 😁).

  2. They look great! Nice rescue.

    1. Cheers mate, now I need to learn how to use them.

  3. "Great job on revitalizing these Dark Angels Suppressors! Despite their condition, your painting skills have really brought them back to life. The 3rd Company scheme and 10th squad markings give them a distinct look, while the creative basing adds depth to their presentation. Excited to see what you paint next for the 2nd Ed. Army Challenge!"

  4. I love the green on these, they look great together as a unit. The bases too are cool with the pieces adding simple narratives to each.
