On The Shelf

Friday, 1 March 2024

Deathwing Squad TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Just a quick post today to record the completion of my Deathwing squad. I wanted to paint the new models in the OG Space Hulk scheme which I used on my 2nd Edition terminators, with even more weathering to help them fit the urban Dark Angels army I am constructing. I also really wanted a cyclone missile launcher to replace the assault cannon, which required a bit of arm swapping. All of the terminators have little Dark Angels daggers on their hips. Most of them also have rondel/shield painted in Belial's livery. One had a purity seal where a rondel/shield should fit, so I doubled down and added another seal. His armour is faith!

I used the sword from the Deathwing command sprue for the sergeant, but added a Tyranid Warrior head to make the pose purposeful. Less blood was more, in this case. I also added some other Dark Angels touches and a Native American head from Puppetswar.

Another project complete, which is a big win. Only a couple more to go and the 1000 points will be complete. Next on the table is some Supressors that I saved from Ebay.

See you across the table,



  1. Lovely work! I really like how you tied in the watcher into the colour scheme.
