On The Shelf

Sunday, 29 September 2024

Dark Angels Vindicator TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

The school holidays have just started, which has given me just enough time today to add the finishing touches to my Vindicator. This tank is the last model in my 1000 point urban Dark Angels list, though in hobby butterfly style, I have already written a different version of the same list with some Ravenwing Black Knights 😅

The paint scheme is pretty standard as far as Vindicators go; the hazard stripes fit the style of my army perfectly. 

I used an old rocket pod from a Landspeeder sprue to represent a hunter-killer missile. I like it better than the strap-on missile launcher you usually get with vehicles.

I have a feeling I'll be painting some Orks with my young lad tomorrow, before getting stuck into my DreadTober project later in the week. Until then, time for a big stamp:

See you across the table,



  1. DreadTober! :) That's a fine tank for the Unforgiven. Congrats on another completion!

    1. Cheers, mate. I have to say I really miss tossing pie plates around with these things. Rolling dice for the number of attacks isn't quite the same.

  2. Oh, that's so cool! The missile launcher gives it a nice, distinctive touch. Looks great!

  3. Great work – Those hazard stripes are classic and so effective! The addition of the Typhoon as a havoc launcher looks amazing!

    1. Cheers, mate. I think that launcher looks pretty neat, even if it may be slightly heretical; Chaos is far more likely to use Havoc launchers these days ;-)

  4. The DA sigil on the side is huge! Is it a custom decal or stencil? All the tank looks great. DA Vindicators are awesome!

    1. Cheers :-) It was the second biggest one on the decal sheet! The decal sheet I used was available from Forge World, perhaps 15 years ago. I don't think GW sells anything that big anymore.
