On The Shelf

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Deathwing Librarian Progress


Hi folks,

Just a quick post today to share some progress I have made on my Deathwing Librarian. I have kitbashed him a bit to pay homage to the old 2nd Ed. figure, with the edition of a combi-plasma because I am a sucker for plasma.

I have been working in sub-assemblies because I simply could not figure out how to get to all the details any other way.

The blue of the armour is quite a bit lighter than I imagined it would be; I think I just got carried away pushing the contrast. 

I just have one more shoulder pad to go and I can assemble and finish basing him. I'll post the final product as soon as it's done, then get started on a Vindicator.

See you across the table,



  1. The parts are coming along great! Looking forward to seeing the final assembly as I bang out a few deathwing termies of my own.

  2. He's looking great.
    It's strange to see the different pieces in the way that GW cuts them on the sprue in that way, as we're more used to seeing the fully assembled models.

  3. Looking great so far! I love the palette, can't wait to see it finished!
