On The Shelf

Monday, 21 October 2024

DreadTober: Week 3 Progress


Hi folks,

Just a quick post tonight because it is getting late. I managed to get quite a bit done on Moriar the Chosen during the weekend, most of which I have not taken photos of yet. The sarcophagus is pretty much finished, depending on how cleanly the assembly goes. I have been varnishing the parts as I finish them; a trick I learned working on the Tyranid Warriors a few years ago. Unfortunately, when you construct metal models, there is always a chance you are going to knock something and end up having to repair chips in the paint job. 

Thankfully, the decals I ordered last week have been delivered. They are from the new Death Company set and they look excellent. I have actually put them on the model already, but I'll have to show that off next time I post. I also received the static grass I needed to finish the base off in the style that I wanted. I did actually end up going back and warming up the colour of the dirt on the base by dry-brushing with XV-88.

The arms were pretty quick to paint until I got up to the claws, which took me ages to blend and highlight. Here is how they looked the step before the claws were worked on, including a neat little free-hand blood drop.

See you across the table,



  1. Great work with these free hands once more! I'm looking forward to what you have done with the decals!

    1. The decals are all on now and it is looking pretty good. One decal on the leg partially melted, possibly because I hit it with the hairdryer a little too hard! I had to paint part of it back on that melted away.

  2. What a beauty. It's coming along so nicely! Keep on!

    1. Cheers mate, I can see the light at the end of the the tunnel now :-)

  3. The freehand looks great. Can't wait to see it all put together.

  4. Loving the crisp highlights. Such a classic Dread and version of the Castraferrum, shame they put them out to pasture for bigger less brighter things.

  5. Nice work mate - love to see the old metals still out there - and these hefty bricks in particular!
