On The Shelf

Monday, 17 February 2025

Oscar's Orks


Hi folks,

At some point during the Christmas holidays my son and I put in a concerted effort to complete his 1000 pt Ork army. This project has been a slow grow because I didn't want to push him too hard and burnout. Towards the end, though, he was so excited to start playing games that we pulled some all-nighters. The result is an infantry heavy Goffs army with tons of character. It can zip in and steal objectives but hold them fairly well too. 

In regard to who-painted-what, the idea of the project was for Oz to learn painting skills as we went along, so to begin with he focused on base coats and initial layers, but by the end he was doing his own washes and highlights. He has constantly amazed me with his developing brush control. Here's some pics of individual units:

Warboss Krumpzog Ironfinger (with Unicorn da squig)

Painboy "Doc"

Kommandos "Da Big Knives" (with Nukey da Squig)

Boyz Mob "Da Redhedz and Da Metal Skullz"

Gretchin Mob "Brave Gutz"

Deffkopta Squadron "Da Kofta Choppers"

Rukkatruck Squigbuggy "Uber Eats" (with Pancake da Squig)

Squighog Boyz "Boney Teefs" (with Pinner the Squigsnot)

Deffdread "DreadTobes"

The DreadTober crew will recognise this guy!

The little guy has also painted Ghazghkull Thraka and has a mob of 10 mega armoured Nobz to round out another 500 points. 

They'll take a while to finish though; for now he is just keen to play some games! More about that later...

See you across the table,



  1. That's really quite an impressive collection! And a great accomplishment - esspecially when it is done over a longer period of time, having a completed and playable army is really something Oscar can be proud of!

  2. Fantastic Army! Whats next from the Mekboy's workshop?
