On The Shelf

Tuesday, 30 April 2019

Dark Angels Predator Annihilator TO-DONE!

Hi folks,

My "Armour in April" offering this year is a Predator Annihilator for my Dark Angels army. I have loved Predator tanks since the very beginning of my 40K journey. In fact, a 2nd Edition Predator Annihilator was one of my first purchases, using money that my sister gave me for my 15th Birthday (many moons ago). I loved them back in those days because they were good for killing Eldar Avatars.

A while after that, I fell in love with them again for killing Nob bikers! My old Predator was profoundly broken during a moving house incident, so has been languishing in a bitz-box, waiting to be turned into a terrain piece. A while ago, Craig R. decided to stop collecting 40K and offered some of my gaming buddies parts of his collection. I gratefully snaffled this Predator, in Black Templars livery, and vowed to relieve the glory days of lascannon sniping hard-to-kill nuisances.

This was my first serious go at using an airbrush to apply an undercoat, shading and weathering. Overall, I am very happy with how the new techniques turned out, though I still feel like there is so much left to learn. I added all of the finer details by hand, which was surprisingly quick.

This model is the last nail in my retro 2nd Edition 40K Dark Angels list. I am just re-basing some sniper scouts, then I will be able to post the complete army. Unfortunately, I am off to supervise a school camp for the rest of the week, so the project finale will have to wait until the weekend. On the up-side, the camp is at Cockatoo Island on Sydney Harbour, so I can't complain too bitterly...

See you across the table,



  1. Nice piece of armor. Good work on it.

  2. Fab green! Nice to see this and I'll look forward to the full army pics when you can.

    1. I just need to re-base my scouts, then I will take some shots. I haven't touched them since the mid-90's and it is definitely showing in terms of wear-and-tear.

  3. Looks great, lovely reclamation job. Nice campsite too! Looks like an old dockyard facility, slipways etc.

    1. Yeah, it is and old ship building facility. During World War II it was the main allied repair facility in the south west Pacific, servicing 250 ships over the course of the conflict. Before that, it was a penal island for convicts. Plenty of ghost stories to scare the kids with at night ;-)
