On The Shelf

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Dark Angels Funko Pop!

Hi folks,

I must be going soft in my old age...

When I saw that Funko was releasing a set of 40K inspired Pop! figures I suspected that I would end up getting one, even though I don't collect Pop! figures (I have avoided them like the plague). When I saw it in my local Zing! store, I found that I couldn't leave it behind... so here we are!

I have heard a few people complaining about them online, wishing that GW would just bring out the models they have desperately been waiting for. These kinds of products, like the Conquest magazine series and the children's chapter books, are not everybody's cup of tea. I am not sure if they are an effort to tap into the mainstream, in the hope of hooking some new business, or just juicy bait for dyed-in-the-wool 40k collectors, like me. They are probably both, and people have reasons to be grumpy about both (because internet, mostly). I don't think about these things deeply enough to get grumpy and, besides, just look at how cute he is.

For a dedicated Dark Angels fan with 25 years of fanboy neck-beard, this little guy was going to have to pack in a lot of fun detail for me to bring him home. The figure had nice weight to it and was immediately recognisable as a Dark Angel with his hooded robe and dark green armour. The bionic eye with the scarring behind it was a nice addition, matching one of the heads I have used in the past from the Dark Angels veteran sprue. He also has a service stud just poking out from under his hood. The Dark Angels symbol on his right shoulder is very clear and the shield is also a piece I recognise from my 28 mm collection; I giggled just a bit on the inside when I noticed the head of the angel on the shield matched the Pop! style.

The backpack is as cute as heck and also matched a piece I have used before in my Dark Angels army. The sword he is carrying matches one of the older powerswords from the Dark Angels veteran sprue. I prefer the newer ones, but just the fact that I recognised it gave it the tick for me. To top it all off, he has a veteran symbol on his right shoulder pad. That is a whole lot of accurate, recognisable, detail for such a little "mainstream" figure.

So, I recruited the little guy, and now he guards my paint table from the Fallen. I may... maybe... if I can't hold out... get the Space Wolf as well and have me a little Lion and the Wolf thing going on. We'll see...

See you across the table,



  1. Nice - I hadn't looked at them all that closely, but I totally agree that the attention to detail matching some of the 'real' bits is very well done!

    1. I was pretty impressed by it; I never thought I would say that about a Funko Pop! :-)

  2. Not very grimdark :( But I don't have kids or a penchant for cute collectables so it's lost on me.

    1. Like I said, I must be getting soft in my old age ;-)

  3. I mean, niche within niche, but has 40K "made it" now that there are Pop! vinyls of them? Also, did I see cutesy-chibi 40K models on the warhammer community site the other day?

    1. Only if they sell! And yes, cutesy-chibis are go, though they are more of a stretch for me.

  4. I'm after the Blood Angles one, mostly just cos. I may pick up the Wolf as well, as it looks very cool as well.

  5. I plan to get one eventually and convert it or at the least paint it up.

    What people don't seem to notice is this is a different company doing this, it doesn't slow down GW production at all.
