On The Shelf

Friday, 25 October 2019

Space Hulk: Dark Angels Terminator Captain TO-DONE!!!

Hi folks,

A few nights ago I added the finishing touches to my first project of the 2019/20 hobby season. The plan over the next 12 months is for me to paint the Space Hulk miniatures, as well as an alternative Space Marine team using a mixture of Deathwing models from the Dark Angels range.

The only model that I had assembled at the start of the season was Belial, which Sgt Waz gave me a while ago already beautifully painted. As I have no real intention of playing Dark Angels in 8th Edition,  I felt a real need to get this model some action, so having him command the Dark Angels boarding party would be perfect.

To match the old school paint scheme of the Space Hulk Deathwing figures, I was going to need to apply a coat of white over the original bone colour. I washed this with a mixture of grey and brown to give it that "ashes of my dead ancestors" vibe. The left arm was converted to include a power fist and wrist mounted grenade launcher, improving the pose significantly in the process in my opinion! To reflect Belial as a character I dipped into his background a little, giving him a small shield with the colours of his original company (3rd), and changed the colours of his reliquary to match the scheme of his banner in the 2nd Edition Angels of Death codex. The final touch was to rebase him with a 33 mm sculpted base from GW. These bases are light weight and cheap looking when you pick them up, but you can sure make them look fancy enough if you spend a bit of time on them.

As a Terminator Captain in Space Hulk is also equipped with a power sword (for close encounters...) I had to do a bit of problem solving; either adding a scabbard and sword or finding a sword bearer. Thankfully, the same sprue I am using to construct the Deathwing team also has a sword bearing Watcher in the Dark. Win!

Next on my list of things to do for this project will be a really, really big build: 23 Terminators!

Until then, boo yeah I get a stamp:

See you across the table,



  1. Great job on an awful sculpt, those toes need turning outward, he’s so static it’s not even stoic.

  2. I know, right?! What were they thinking? The new Marneus Calgar is a shocker too...
