On The Shelf
Saturday, 19 October 2019
The Hobby Table: October 2019
Hi folks,
I think you can tell a lot about a person by the state of their hobby table. I am a butterfly when it comes to projects at the best of times, fluttering between projects; finishing some, making a start on others, thinking about many more (sometimes for years). When work or family life gets bumpy, the state of my table also deteriorates, either getting cluttered with more (just started) unfinished projects or with unrelated shneed.
At the moment, there are fourteen unfinished projects on my table and damned if I can find a way to even focus on finishing one of them. Three of them are pressing on me pretty hard, my Imperial Knight Errant in particular. This is the second DreadTober in a row that I have been working on this huge thing and I really want to get it finished this time. I just need my painting-brain focused again. At the moment I am working on the small armoured pieces for the legs.
I have also just finished the free-hand snake motifs for my Iron Snakes Centurions, which was a time consuming part of that project. It was time consuming more due to the fact that I focused on it a lot mentally before even picking up a paint brush. I have finished the rest of the work on two of the Centurion bodies, but one still needs a few hours of easy work. Following that I will need to work on the bases.
My guilty pleasure has been working on a Dark Angels Terminator Captain for Space Hulk, one of my 2019/20 To-Do list entries. In Space Hullk, a Captain is equipped with a power sword, power fist, storm bolter and a wrist mounted grenade launcher. I think I have figured out how to make all of that happen, by cutting down a Tartarus grenade launcher to fit on the wrist and using the Watcher in the Dark figure from the Deathwing Command kit. The paint scheme is a really classic one, much brighter and cleaner than the usual bone-white colour I would usually employ. I am trying to match more closely the original Deathwing artwork from the boardgame (below):
The model is meant to represent Belial, soon after he was inducted into the Deathwing company. The reliquary on his back has been painted in the 2nd Ed. colours of his banner, which also happen to match the paint scheme of the Fallen Angel team I will be painting. The small shield protecting his left shoulder pad has the symbol of the Dark Angels 3rd Company, from his previous posting.
Over the next couple of days I am hoping to clear the table up a little and finish at least one of the two smaller projects. I am also aiming to have the legs of my Imperial Knight Errant done, leaving me the rest of October to finish the weapons and base.
See you across the table,
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