On The Shelf

Monday, 26 October 2020

DreadTober: Free-hand Shenanigans


Hi folks,

We are now into the final week of Dreadtober! October has gone by crazy quickly and I am a fair few steps behind where I would have liked to be at this stage with my Imperial Knight. It doesn't bother me though, painting a Knight in 4 weeks was always going to be an ambitious goal. 

To move me a little closer, I spent a couple of hours on Sunday completing the free-hand images on the shoulder armour. This step is always the one that makes me a little nervous, but I know that once it is done everything else is comparatively easy, so I tackled it early to get my mojo flowing. I won't include too much commentary and just let the pictures do the talking. It is another one of those processes where it looks really bad for a long time! Hopefully this will inspire some other people to push through the early agony to reach the rewards at the end. Here we go...

Here is the reference image I used while I was painting; it is a shower curtain 😂

I compressed the main a little to fit the space and didn't quite nail the angle, but that just helps make it my own. 

I also managed to get some construction done, so (at the moment) "Achilles" Aeternum is looking something like this:

Now, it is definitely time for sleep. Hopefully, if I get all of my work done tomorrow, I'll be able to push the project forward a little further by finishing the legs and sketching out the base.

See you across the table,



  1. Lovely bit of freehand work! Will make for great heraldry on the shoulder pad!

    1. Cheers! Final construction is always a bit of an anxious time for me; that's when you see if the scheme comes together or not and it is too late to change!

  2. I do love some good freehand and that was done nicely. Bravo.

  3. Beautiful freehand work, Marc! I love your color scheme and your weathering really makes it shine! Has a "clean-dirty" vibe and it's fantastic :)

    1. "Clean-dirty" is a great description of the scheme; I'm going to use that!

  4. Very cool. Thank you for sharing a bit of the process!
