On The Shelf

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

DreadTober 2020: "Achilles" Aeternum TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Real life sure did get busy in October, which is a challenge when so many great 40k community events are scheduled. DreadTober has been a priority for me this year, and this particular project has been on my To-Do list for a long time. Before heading down the coast for the weekend, I added the final touches to the las-impulsor, which I ordered several months ago from Taro Modelmaker. As with all of my knights, I have added red as a spot colour to one weapon, mainly to contrast against the colder blue and silver. I added some bright blue to the the space between the coils, as well as a central energy capacitor.

Achilles is also armed with a reaper chainsword (though I prefer to use the stomp attack for most combat). I didn't have a thunderstrike gauntlet to spare, to make some kind of counts-as Canis Rex, and liked the idea of making something unique anyway. The image of Achilles with twin swords had stuck with me for a long time, so that is what I went with.

Now, for those of you who have seen my other knights, you will know that there is one (well, three...) quirky details I have added to each of them. One is that I try to include a snake somewhere, to reflect the close ties these knights have to the Iron Snakes chapter. I paint them up as Bandy-Bandy snakes, thanks to the suggestion a mate gave to me the first time around. Here is Achilles snake, warming itself under the fusion generator:


That's a big DreadTober project complete, in half the time it took me to do the last one. I have one more unit to go before my 1500 pt Imperial Knight Army, "The Walls of Ithaka", is complete and ready for games. But, for now, it is time to give myself a badge and set my sites on the next GW painting competition: psykers!

See you across the table,



  1. Beautiful engine! The skullface and two clos combat arms make for a menacing look indeed!

    1. Cheers :-) Wifey looked at and went "Oh!... That looks really scary" so it must be true!

  2. That's a sweet looking ride, right there. Great work!

    1. Thanks mate :-) Just an Warglaive to go and this army will be ready to fight.

  3. Came together really well in the end, bravo. Glad to see it over the line.

    1. Only just! The weekend I had a way was great but took away all of my hobby time for four nights before the deadline.

  4. Wow, I don't know how I missed this. It's gorgeous! (in a totally grimdark way)
