On The Shelf

Tuesday, 26 January 2021

2nd Edition Army Challenge: Mk I Landraider TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

With the final deadline looming, I managed to get a few hours in the other day to finish this MK I landraider. It is a venerable old model from the Rogue Trader era, which was already rare when I started playing 40K in the mid-90's. This one was a gift from Sgt Waz, during a particularly gnarly kit-bashing session we had, a few years ago. 

I asked the 2nd Ed. challengers how I should paint it, and I think they unanimously voted for the Deathwing scheme, to go with my Terminators. I used an airbrush to get the white on, with some really subtle grey shading at the bottom. I added a bunch of more modern upgrade doo-hickeys, and even managed to sculpt some Plainsworld feathers. The lascannons were missing some barrels, so I replaced them with some modern spares from to different kits (Razorback and Landraider Mk II, I think), then painted them like I did the storm bolters on my Terminators. The twin heavy flamer is a complete kitbash, which as painted in the classic Deathwing scheme. I also cut some pieces from a spare Landraider engine and attached it to the inside of the top hull, to fill the rectangular shaped hole where the hatch should be.

TL:DR: it was a blast to paint, but a lot of work, both in kitbashing and colour scheme. I love it to bits!

The last model I am painting for the challenge is an old school techmarine, which I am plugging away at now. I am up to the detail stage: hard-lined highlights and eye-balls!

See you across the table,



  1. Awesome old school cool. And white Deathwing rather than bone is true to the beginnings, great job on the swapping out Lascannons. Nice mini.

  2. Very cool to see an old 'Raider rolling again in fine style. What a throwback. Love what you did here with such a classic.

  3. I love the crisp white! A beautiful vehicle you can be proud of!
