On The Shelf

Saturday, 30 January 2021

2nd Edition Army Painting Challenge: 1500 point Army TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

What I couldn't achieve in 25 years, I have finally completed in 6 months!! I feel like I have been preparing my whole hobbying life for this project and now that it is done, I feel the most profound sense of peace. As I have been saying throughout the challenge, many of these models were gifts from my family and friends as I was growing up. Many had been stashed away in bitz boxes, particularly my dreaded "too hard" box. Now, I think I have finally done them justice. 

During the next round of the challenge (starting in March) I will be painting some more Dark Angels, many of which I have purchased off eBay during the COVID-19 restrictions. Hopefully, I will get a chance to paint my collection of special characters as well; it would be good to include some more robes in this army! I have even started digging up some classic Tyranids, just in case there is a 3rd round of the challenge. Until then, here are some final pics of my completed projects.

See you across the table,



  1. Beautiful! What a great achievement. I love seeing a completed project / army like this. Now the only thing missing is a game against an other painted army with some good laughs.
    And of course expanding the army. I look forward to seeing what you do the them!

    1. I can't wait to play a game with them! Some of the other Australian challengers have suggested that we could meet up together this year at some point and have a few games.

  2. THAT is the WH40K I started with...great to see brought back to life here. You capture the look and feel of 2nd ed. perfectly here. To be fair,i was collecting Orks in 2nd ed and didn't get to DA's until 3rd ed. but this is what they looked like and it is very cool to see them brought to life here. Thanks for sharing!

    1. I collected Legion of the Damned for most of 2nd, before they had a proper list. My mates thought it was cheesy so I repainted them all as Dark Angels; a few weeks later the full LotD list was published in a White Dwarf!

  3. Great work! This is a fantastic 2nd edition force, reminds me of when I first started off in the game.
