On The Shelf

Monday, 15 February 2021

Squaduary: Termagants and Van Diemen's World Vets


Hi folks,

The past couple of weeks (or has it been months??) I have been slogging away at a Van Diemen's World Veteran heavy weapons squad for my mate Wade. They were meant to be a Birthday present, and then a Christmas present, and now here we are half-way through February! I love painting them, but they are hard. It is just a really intense project. At the moment I am working on the heads, which have taken 1-2 hours each. I'm hoping that once that is done I will feel better about it all and push through to get them finished at last. 

"Stone the flaming crows, son!"

To give my eyes a break, I also painted a Hive Fleet Numereji Termagant brood for #squaduary. You can hardly see the pigment going on, so it really is a leap of faith when you sweep that paintbrush. After a few coats though, the reflectivity builds up, and if you turn it just so... well... take a look for yourself.

Rainbow serpent, indeed.

I had an Assault Intercessor squad planned for squaduary as well, which feels a bit like madness at the moment. But I achieved more difficult goals last year, so maybe I'll crank them out as well to add to my Iron Snakes (the finished ones... remember?).

See you across the table,



  1. Very cool! Love the green arnoud your Termagant's eyes - someting between a glow effect and warpaint. I still have some unfinished ones lying about as well, maybe I should paint those? Haven't touched a brush to 40k models in a while...

    1. Cheers :-) The green is more of a skin pigment than a glow effect, but that is hard to tell on things this size! On the larger beasts it is a little more obvious. You should paint some too!

  2. hope they improve their performance from the emu crusade

    1. The shame of the Great Emu War of 1932 will never go away :-)

  3. Love those VD Vet heads and the basing scheme, superb, very characterful and Oz like.

    1. Cheers mate; those bases are done with quality outback NSW dirt!

  4. That paint is giving your gaunts a whole new lease of life. They look fascinating, well worth the effort I think to update them.
