On The Shelf

Saturday, 20 March 2021

Hobby Diary Part 3: Monster March and Razorback TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Last night I added the final touches to the Razorback I have been working on for the 2nd Edition Army Challenge. I added a whole bunch of decals. Unfortunately, most of them have left some kind of water mark around them, perhaps from the adhesive spreading. I am not sure at this stage whether it is worthwhile trying to get rid of it, perhaps by sealing the decals with a setting agent. I may try it on a small section. Otherwise, I am very happy with how it has turned out and really excited to use it in a game. The combination of lascannon and plasma guns is really fun.

As soon as I finished the Razorback I got cracking on the Forest Dragon. It is going to take a special effort to get it finished in time, but with 11 days left, I think I should be able to do it justice. I have started working on the base early as well, as I can see it is going to take a bit of time to add all of the components that I want.

See you across the table,


Saturday, 13 March 2021

Hobby Diary Part 2: Monster March and 2nd Edition Army Challenge


Hi folks,

Just a quick post today to document my progress, as I am literally busy painting. This week has been excruciatingly busy at work and next week will be no different, so I have to get as much done now as I can!

I have added the first layers to my Forest Dragon for #MonsterMarch, including a nice blend on the wings. Tomorrow, I am hoping to get the head and neck section done, which should help me understand how the rest should look. In fact, once the head is done, I feel like I will have broken the back of the project. It has the most colours that I need to execute, due to the horns, eyes, teeth and open mouth.

Apart form the wings, the project is at that stage where it looks like rubbish! I know that the greens will get brighter and more defined, the tan will get deeper and warmer, and the horns will get colder and blended dark towards the tips. The open mouth will contrast against the green nicely too, but all of that stuff is just in my head at this stage and it drives me a little crazy. Ah well, keep at it I guess!

The Razorback is really close to completion, though I think I am going to have to attempt to free-hand as I don't have the characteristic Razorback decals. A stencil is probably the way to go about it.

I need to make sure that I remember to paint the hatches, which I kept separate to make the gunner easier to paint. I also need to give myself enough time to do the decals, as they are going to take quite a while.

See you across the table,


Saturday, 6 March 2021

Hobby Diary Part 1: Monster March and 2nd Ed. Army Challenge


Hi folks,

Every Saturday I am going to try and publish one of these Hobby Diary posts. With so much stuff going on, I think a quick post to show some work in progress will help keep me sane. This week I have started some work on an old 1995 vintage Forest Dragon for Monster March. I have had this one since I started going out with Jen, and we have been together for 21 years now. So it is definitely time to do it some justice. This first week has been spent just cleaning the model up and pinning the hell out of it. I'm hoping to prime it tomorrow.

I have also primed and added the first layers/blends to a Razorback for the 2nd Ed. Army Challenge. I can't express who much of a joy it is to be working on this model. It is such an iconic model of that edition, with some really neat details and opportunities for splashing some colour. 

I don't have any new photos, but I am also still painting the Van Diemen's World heavy weapons squad for my mate Wade. they are taking forever, but in a good way. I have also popped the lid on Laurie's Valkyrie and Marauder. I'll have to invest some time this week to add some more details, just to keep them moving towards completion. Below is the reference image Laurie sent me to use as inspiration; smokin' hot.

Thats it for now. Let's see if I can carve out some regular hobby time over the next couple of weeks.

See across the table,


Tuesday, 2 March 2021

Old Stuff Day!


Hi folks,

Happy Old Stuff Day!!! With the second round of the 2nd Edition Army challenge just starting and me already hitting up ebay to get ready for round three (and maybe four...), my hobby space is literally awash with nostalgia at the moment. There will be plenty of posts about that stuff sooner or later, so I thought today I would post some links to old blog posts from my favourite 40K blogs. Go check them out if you have a chance and leave them a comment! To start with, if I may do so, I'll draw your attention back to the early years of this blog...

Old School Gaming

It is hard to believe that it has been 6 years since the last Battle for Nurgle's Cookbook. This is a scenario that I have tweaked many times since 3rd Edition 40K, and played many times with heaps of different people. I hope you enjoy this two part battle report as much as we enjoyed playing it! Maybe it is time to have another go at it.

Part 1

Part 2


I usually go here for a healthy dose of old school, but also happened to stumble across this... amazeballs... Lord of Skulls conversion.  

Chucking Monkeys

Last year I posted about the Nids on this blog, and I still can't get over them. Check out this stealth Mawloc (if you don't chuckle into your hot beverage, I don't think we can be friends anymore).

1st Legion Chronicles

So this post is not old by any stretch of the time/space continuum but, hell, if I can't give old school Dark Angels some love today, when can I? 

A Butterfly's Hobby Tally

XarfaiEngel's Uruk Hai projects have been a real inspiration. They have kept me dreaming about what I could be doing with all of the Lord of the Rings models I have stashed away!! It also makes me wonder how many other bloggers are LoTR collectors, and whether it would be worth a community challenge at some point...

262nd Death Korps of Krieg

As an honoured DreadTober alumni, it seemed fitting that I repost this gem from 2016, a magnificent Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought!

Confessions of a 40K Addict

If you have been in the hobby as long as I have, you will know that it expands beyond just the collecting of miniatures, beyond even the buying of paint. There are tables too. And shelves. And display cabinets. Lights (sooo many lights). Sometimes, even a shed (and a dehumidifier...). Check out Dave's marvellous Man Cave project and go searching for the updates! It is an exercise in carving out a hobby space for yourself and protecting it against the elements.

Well, I have reached the point where I am falling asleep in front of my laptop. I have spent about 4 hours going down the blog rabbit holes of a bunch of my favourite blogs. If I didn't mention you today, I'll try and make it up to you during the year. You are all fantastic and a constant inspiration to me!

See you across the table,
