On The Shelf

Wednesday, 22 December 2021

Dark Angels Deathwing Squad TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

When Sydney went into hard lockdown halfway through the year I planned to make and paint a 50 PL Crusade army for 9th Edition. As things have turned out, I got a lot less time to work on those models than I ever could have imagined. I am on school holidays and have literally just fallen into a heap, following what has been a gruelling work slog right to the end. During my first couple of days off zombie-Marc managed to add some detail to these Deathwing terminators. Thankfully, this old school Space Hulk scheme pretty much just requires you to spray them white and then paint neatly, which I think I have done sufficiently. I have based them on 32 mm bases so that I can use them as a team in Space Hulk as well.

Overall, I am very happy with the scheme, even if it is a little jarring to the eye (so white!). They are a nice homage to my classic 2nd Edition Terminators that I painted in the same scheme during the 2nd Edition army challenge a while ago. My army list is not Terminator heavy, so this will be the only squad in a total of 2000 points worth that I am currently working on. I have to say, I am enjoying more variety in my lists in 9th edition, despite what appears to be the current Deathwing heavy meta.

I am not sure if I will fit another post in before Christmas, so if I don't I wish you a Merry Christmas and good health in 2022!

See you across the table,




  1. Very nice! Great looking squad. Merry Christmas!

  2. Terminators have such an iconic silhouette. And the Dark Angel / Deathwing bits look great as well.
    The red / green / white is a very stark contrast that makes the minis really pop!
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

    1. Cheers! They really do stand out in that scheme; it's kind of a total war strategy that I have for beating Death Guard :-) Surely if I start with a super clean paint job, beating them on the tabletop will be that much easier...

  3. They're beautiful - so clean and tidy. The bases are really nice too and that little bit of industrial grunge with the Autumn leaves is perfect. It adds realism without effecting the mini's colour scheme. I really like these.

    1. Cheers mate :-) After decades working with strictly limited palettes, I am trying to use every colour of the spectrum with these guys. It is a strange challenge but feels very liberating. I'm keen to get my Space Hulk genestealers finished now, so that I can use them in a game!

  4. Love those termies. Absolutely cracking paint job!

    1. Thanks mate :-) I'm glad I tried something a little different. I was fully prepared to paint over the top with the more common bone scheme if the clean white didn't look any good!

  5. That white is just pristine! Excellent!
