On The Shelf

Wednesday, 5 January 2022

Iron Snakes: Captain Orestes, Master of Relics TO-DONE!!!


Hi folks,

Happy New Year!! I don't really know what to make of 2021; it seemed to go on forever, but at the same tie I feel like very little got done. A good example is this model, which The Trooper and Sgt Waz printed for me for my Birthday back in July. After a minor bit of kitbashing, it has taken me 6 months (on-and-off) to finish the job. I think it is a very imposing figure, looming over the Centurions in my collect. I will have to put together some home-brew rules for him, as the closest I can find to legitimate ruleset is Tor Garadon of the Imperials fists, and he only has one Fist of Defiance. With the lack of a ranged weapon, I will look at giving this guy a small buff. He is a special character, after all!

See you across the table,



  1. He looks really terrifying! As is only appropriate.

    Rules wise I think most people will let you use him as Calgar or Garaddon. Ifvyoure concerned about the gun, you can always elect not to fire it, but most people will be fine.

    1. A lot of people have said that he can counts-as Calgar, most importantly my regular gaming mates. I think Garaddon is a better fit for my idea of who he is though. I'm sure those knuckles can shoot *something* out of them!

  2. That strikes me as a Marneus Calgar counts-as and the fists can shoot from the glow energy ports to simulate Marneus’ underslung Bolt weaponry.

    1. That seems to be the common consensus! I have posted on the Iron Snakes Facebook group to see if anyone has some good ideas for house rules as well. He would only be used in casual games so I doubt people would have trouble with that.

  3. That is one big boi! I really like how sou painted the glow on the backpack and the gems!

    1. Cheers, I have quite a large collection of different shades of blue :-)

  4. I've just had a thought. The previewed new Gravis Captain has the option for double fist, so hold on tight and you may be rewarded :)

    1. Hmmm, I didn't know that! I'll keep an eye out...
