On The Shelf

Wednesday, 2 February 2022

2nd Edition Army Challenge: Legion of the Damned Bike Squad Complete!!!


Hi folks,

I have been a bit quiet lately as we have had a lot going on at home and work; it has not been a smooth start to the year by any measure.

For my January slice of the 2nd Edition pizza I had 6 bikes planned, including an old school Chaplain. After working for a few days on cleaning the models up, priming and free-handing the flames in Corax White, I realised the folly of that decision. I could either do 6 in a rush or 3 really well! As you can see from the photos, I chose the latter (if I am permitted to call my own models "really well" done).

I added a lot of fun little free-hand details, as I didn't want to pull them completely apart to add any Legion of the Damned specific bits. I don't have too much of that to go around anyway, so I am saving them for other units. I am really glad now that I chose purple and green as spot colours. They are a bit outside the box when it comes to Legion of the Damned, but I think they add a bit if interest to the scheme and contrast well with the flames. Additionally, where the scheme in White Dwarf did flat Boltgun Metal, I have added some components that are tinted with sepia.

For the first time ever (ever!), I had a go at painting the digital displays on the bike. I painted them like the motion trackers in Aliens as best as I could; it required me forsaking caffeine for a couple of hours.

The faces on Legion of the Damned models are always a challenge. I have seen them painted up as skulls, on done very pale, in White Dwarf magazine. For the sergeant I went for higher contrast, I very ghoulish look, based on Rakarth Flesh. I used Agrax Earthshade as the wash and highlighted with Rakarth/Ushabti Bone mixes. I painted the eyes bright green, to maintain commitment to the chosen spot colours (all of the eye lenses are purple).

Here's a big fat stamp for my efforts:

In February I will be repainting one of my oldest miniatures for the challenge, an old school Dreadnought. I have also just noticed that fellow bloggers and 40K friends on MeWe are starting to work on Squaduary projects, so I am going to spend some time this afternoon picking something to do as well!

See you across the table,



  1. Yes, you're allowed to say really well done! Frikkin love that motion tracker! Totally stealing the idea :) Purple and green works but the flames really make them pop.

    1. Trying to paint LotD flames was one of the first things I ever did in the hobby. It feels like I am bending time when I do them now :-) Hopefully, by the end of this challenge, I will be better at painting them!

  2. The quality over quantity approach payed off! I love the overall look of the squad but the freehands really elevate them.

    1. Cheers mate, there is just no way around it with these guys. I just have to go for it and hope for the best.

  3. Brilliant work! Well done indeed. The trackers and other freehand came out quite well, congrats on the results.

    1. Cheers, I'm going to improve my freehand as I go along.

  4. Smashing, working on bikes now. Love the little freehand details

  5. Lovely work there, the bases pull together the 2nd edition look perfectly. Some lovely freehand. I am working on the modern equivalent for my own Squaduary pledge.
