On The Shelf

Sunday, 4 September 2022

2022/2023 To-Do List


Hi folks,

In previous years my To-Do lists have been extremely optimistic, including far too many projects for me to possibly complete in a 12 month period. As a result, a bunch of projects from last year have carried over to this year. I have deleted a couple that aren't a priority anymore and included a couple of extra projects that have been bumped up the list. I am not quite sure what will be in my 2nd Edition Tyranid list yet, but you can be sure it will contain all of the classics.

Here's my list!

2nd Edition 40K

Legion of the Damned

Legion of the Damned Chaplain on Bike

Legion of the Damned Techmarine on Bike

Legion of the Damned Bike

Dark Angels

Ravenwing Squad

Ravenwing Attack Bike

Chaplain in Terminator Armour

Master of the 3rd Company

Callidus Assassin


1000 point Army List

9th Edition 40K

Dark Angels

Redemptor Dreadnought (DreadTober)

Hellblaster Squad



Blade Guard


Ravenwing Attack Bikes

Ravenwing Bike Squadron

Imperial Agents

Culexus Assassin

Inquisitor Erasmus

Iron Snakes

Whirlwind Scorpius

Iron Snakes Bladeguard

Iron Snakes Terminators with Thunderhammers


Boyz (with The Boi)

Nobz (with The Boi)

Warboss (with The Boi)

Deff Kopters (with The Boi)

Kommandos (with the Boi)

Squighog Boyz (with the Boi)

Objective Markers

Fortress of Redemption

Ammo Dumps

Age of Sigmar

Sylvaneth Dryads

Druanti the Arch Revenant 

Warhammer Underworlds

Grashrak's Despoilers

Skaeth's Wild Hunt

Elthain's Soulraid


Jade Falcon Mixed Star

Jade Falcon Mixed 2nd Line Star

Ghost Bear Command Star

Ghost Bear Scout Star

Ghost Bear Assault 2nd Line Star

Foxfire Scout Lance

Foxfire Pursuit Lance

Foxfire Assault Lance

Foxfire Support Lance

ComStar Heavy Level II

ComStar Command Level II

ComStar Support Level II


Daishi Widowmaker

Space Hulk

Blood Angels Boarding Party






  1. A full list of possible projects for the year - good luck and best wishes for the new season!

  2. An interesting (and GREEN) list there.
    Good luck for the season.
