On The Shelf

Monday, 3 October 2022

DreadTober 2022 Progress: Part 1


Hi folks!

DreadTober has launched for another year of stompy shenanigans. I will be curating the progress shots again this year, which is a joyful but also very time-consuming process. Usually, around Week 3, I get the hang of it and remember all of the tricks I have used previously to streamline the process. Until then I will be flying by the seat of my pants!

This year I am working on a Redemptor Dreadnought. I am not a huge fan of the newer Space Marine models, so I have to admit that this on is still in the process of growing on me. It is certainly chonky, and I do love me some plasma. There are two options for the torso, to either have the sarcophagus covered by pot-bellied armour, or open. I prefer the open option but it also feels a little silly to walk around a battlefield like that. It can articulate, so I am sure I will flit between the two, but I am also going to convert it a little to jazz up the sarcophagus. 


This Dreadnought is going to be the centerpiece in my urban combat Dark Angels list, so I am hoping to add some bits to it to make it look a little more... tactical/infiltrator-ish. We'll see how that goes during the week ;-)

See you across the table,




  1. Great project idea, I look forward to seeing how the Dark Angels modifications transform the model. I went 5th company with mine. A Deathwing dread is a much cooler idea!

  2. I'm looking forward to what you do with the Redemptor's overall shape and all the additional bling!
